Index of Persons

Christopher ROYER (1739 - 1805)
Daniel ROYER (3 OCT 1741 - 3 OCT 1784)
Elizabeth M. ROYER (23 AUG 1886 - ____)
Emig ROYER (18 DEC 1707 - 2 APR 1769)
George Myers ROYER (2 AUG 1830 - 17 DEC 1892)
Harry Badger ROYER (7 JUN 1866 - 22 DEC 1947)
Joel ROYER (3 APR 1779 - 3 OCT 1853)
Johann Emig ROYER (18 DEC 1707 - 2 APR 1769)
Mary A. ROYER (26 OCT 1837 - 21 JUL 1914)
Samuel ROYER (30 MAY 1784 - 17 OCT 1862)
Sarah ROYER (12 JUL 1809 - 11 MAY 1846)
Sebastian Mathias ROYER (3 AUG 1676 - 13 AUG 1758)
Sarah RUBENDALL (28 AUG 1838 - 2 JUL 1911)
Margaretha Catherina RUBENKAM (25 FEB 1709 - 17 MAY 1770)
Anna RUBIN (1653 - ____)
Julia Grace RUBIN (1 NOV 1920 - 28 APR 2013)
Elizabeth Jane RUBLE (29 SEP 1836 - 14 FEB 1918)
Catherine RUCH (24 JUL 1896 - ____)
Elizabeth Barbara RUCH (18 SEP 1806 - 9 AUG 1863)
Rhoda Virginia RUCH (13 JUN 1901 - 6 AUG 1992)
Linda Ellen RUCKER (2 OCT 1878 - 14 JAN 1968)
Susanne (Josephine) RUCKERT (23 JAN 1803 - 4 APR 1853)
Frederick Dean RUCKMAN (8 JUN 1923 - 8 DEC 1991)
John RUCKMAN (1660 - 1716)
John (I) RUCKMAN (26 MAR 1590 - 2 MAY 1650)

UP (Dan ROGERS - Francis RUSSELL )
BACK (Martha ROWLANDSON - Catharine ROYER )
NEXT (John (II) RUCKMAN - Walter James (Jr) RUDY )



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