Emundsdottir of SWEDEN (____ - ____)
Eric ("the Victorious"), King of SWEDEN (935 - 994)
Estrid of SWEDEN (____ - ____)
Frederick I of SWEDEN (23 APR 1676 - 25 MAR 1751)
Gustav Adolf of SWEDEN (22 APR 1906 - 26 JAN 1947)
Gustav V, King of SWEDEN (16 JUN 1858 - 29 OCT 1950)
Gustav VI Adolf, King of SWEDEN (11 NOV 1882 - 15 SEP 1973)
Gyrithia, Queen of SWEDEN (____ - ____)
Hedwig Sophie of SWEDEN (____ - ____)
Inge I of SWEDEN (____ - 1111)
Ingjald the Evil, King in SWEDEN (CA 660 - ____)
Ingrid Victoria of SWEDEN (28 MAR 1910 - 7 NOV 2000)
King Gustav III of SWEDEN (____ - ____)
King Gustav IV of SWEDEN (1 NOV 1778 - 7 FEB 1837)
Magnus III LadulÄs of SWEDEN (1240 - 18 DEC 1290)
Margaretha of SWEDEN (____ - ____)
Margaretha of SWEDEN (1899 - 1977)
Margreta "Fredkulla" of SWEDEN (____ - 4 NOV 1130)
Martha of SWEDEN (28 MAR 1901 - 5 APR 1954)
Olof "Mitkg" Bjornsson, King of SWEDEN (CA 890 - CA 975)
Sigvard Oscar Fredrik of SWEDEN (7 JUN 1907 - ____)
Sophie Wilhelmine of SWEDEN (21 MAY 1801 - 6 JUL 1865)
Stenkill of SWEDEN (____ - 1066)
Verica, Princess of SWEDEN (____ - ____)
Margaret SWEENEY (7 SEP 1914 - 2 NOV 1989)
UP (Patricia Jean SWARNER - Leroy Robert TAYLOR )
BACK (Verna Jean SWARTZ - Emund II of SWEDEN )
NEXT (Margaret Rose SWEENEY - Robert SWEET )