Stephen TYNTON -- to -- Mary UDREE
Johann Ludwig UEBEL -- to -- Hans ULTSCH
Johannes Andreas ULTSCH -- to -- Virginia UNKNOWN
Annie UPDEGRAVE -- to -- Thomas URANN
Joan URFLEET -- to -- Eulah VADEN
Anna Maria VAGTS -- to -- Margaret of VALOIS
Philip "The Bold" of VALOIS -- to -- Elizabeth VAN KIRK
Henry VAN KIRK -- to -- Isaac VAN SINTERN
Pieter VAN SINTERN -- to -- Clarence Nicholes VANDERBORGH
Clarence Nicholes (III) VANDERBORGH -- to -- Lloyd VANHOOK
Abraham VANHORN -- to -- Irene P., wife of Jeffrey VANWART
Jeffrey Arthur VANWART -- to -- Abbie J. VARNUM
Albert Ellery VARNUM -- to -- Merton VARNUM
Nahum (Farnham or) VARNUM -- to -- Bramlett White VAUGHAN
Bridget VAUGHAN -- to -- William VAUGHN
Elizabeth VAULX -- to -- Gary VEATCH
James VEATCH -- to -- Alexander von Pfalz-Zweibrücken und VELDENZ
Ludwig I von Pfalz-Zweibrücken und VELDENZ -- to -- Gonzelon I of Bouillon, Count of VERDUN
Gothelo I, Count of VERDUN -- to -- Herbert I, Count of VERMANDOIS
Herbert II, Count of VERMANDOIS -- to -- Theodoric, King of VERONA
Eunice VERRILL -- to -- Azzo VI "Azzolino" d'Este
Barbara Ann VIAGGIO -- to -- Eliza H. VILES
Elizabeth VILES -- to -- John VINCENT
Martha VINCENT -- to -- Thaddia VISCONTI
Valentina VISCONTI -- to -- LeRoy VOLIVA
Robert W. VOLIVA -- to -- Louise VON ARBIN
UP (Wendell SILSBY - Karoline Henriette Christine of ZWEIBRüCKEN-BIRKENFELD )
BACK (Maria Elizabetha TRAUTMANN - Alice TYNTON )
NEXT (Madeleine VON ARBIN - Sabrina Adeline WALLACE )