Martha Jane ALEXANDER -- to -- Oliver ALFORD
Rosetta ALFORD -- to -- Albert Parker ALLEN
Alice ALLEN -- to -- Dorothy ALLEN
Dorothy ALLEN -- to -- Gertrude Hinckley ALLEN
Gloria Adell ALLEN -- to -- James ALLEN
Jane ALLEN -- to -- L. D. ALLEN
Leon Eugene ALLEN -- to -- Olive ALLEN
Oliver ALLEN -- to -- Samuel ALLEN
Samuel ALLEN -- to -- David ALLENBAUGH
Jacob ALLENBAUGH -- to -- Anson Morrill Kelley ALLEY
Asa Beal ALLEY -- to -- Herman Francis ALLEY
Hiram Curtis ALLEY -- to -- Lois Ada ALLEY
Lorena ALLEY -- to -- Romie W. ALLEY
Rose Belle ALLEY -- to -- Rebecca ALLIS
Andrew Jackson ALLISON -- to -- Phebe ALLYN
Robert ALLYN -- to -- GĂ©rard III of ALSACE
Gerard ("Eberhard IV"), Count of Lower ALSACE -- to -- Eva ALTRU
Benedict ALVORD -- to -- Amos AMES
Amos AMES -- to -- Frederick Fairfield (Jr) AMES
Frederick Isley AMES -- to -- John AMES
John (Eames or) AMES -- to -- Oliver AMES
Oscar Darrell AMES -- to -- Anna Catharina AMMELING
Berthold, Margrave of AMMERTHAL -- to -- Sarah ANDERS
UP ( - Thomas CUSHMAN )
BACK ( - Martha Ann ALEXANDER )