Henry WEICKSEL -- to -- Anna Sophia WEILE
George Earle WEILER -- to -- Valentin WEINHOLD
Isabella Ida WEINHOLZER -- to -- Henry WEIRICK
Jacob WEIRICK -- to -- Frederick WEISER
George WEISER -- to -- John Edward WEISS
Linda Marie Elizabeth WEISS -- to -- Roland Eugene WELCH
Sarah WELCH -- to -- Johannes WELKER
Margaret WELKER -- to -- Paul Wilbur WELLING
Robert Gene WELLING -- to -- George WELLS
George Washington WELLS -- to -- Edith Adair WELTON
Eugene P. WELTON -- to -- Anna WENRICH
Balthaser WENRICH -- to -- Emma WENRICH
Emma Maria WENRICH -- to -- Maria Esther WENRICH
Martin Luther WENRICH -- to -- Allan WENTWORTH
Allan R. WENTWORTH -- to -- Sir Roger WENTWORTH
Thomas WENTWORTH -- to -- Oda of WERL
Rudolph, Count of WERL -- to -- Johann ("John") Caspar WERTZ
Johann Hans Caspar WERTZ -- to -- Charles Frederic WESCOTT
Chelsea WESCOTT -- to -- Horace Thomas WESCOTT
Jacqueline D. WESCOTT -- to -- Raymond Eugene WESCOTT
Rex Ivan WESCOTT -- to -- William (Jr.) WESCOTT
William E. WESCOTT -- to -- Ingild of WESSEX
Margaret of WESSEX -- to -- Francis WEST
Francis WEST -- to -- Mary WEST
Mary Genevieve WEST -- to -- George (Westhall) Or WESTALL
Jane (Westhall) WESTALL -- to -- Matilda Eva WESTCOTT
Mercy WESTCOTT -- to -- Mary WESTON
UP (Melvin D. SHEIBLEY - Karoline Henriette Christine of ZWEIBRüCKEN-BIRKENFELD )
BACK (Arline E. WARREN - Maria Salome WEICKER )
NEXT (Mildred WESTON - Julia Augusta WHITCOMB )