Amelia ("Milly") GILBERT -- to -- William GILBERT
Margaret GILBERT-HAYSE -- to -- Anna Mary GILL
Catharine GILL -- to -- George Washington GILLETT
Christopher GILLETTE -- to -- Margaret E. GILLEY
Matilda GILLEY -- to -- Diana Jeannette GILMAN
Edward GILMAN -- to -- George A. GILMORE
James GILMORE -- to -- Ulrich GINGERICH
Christina ("Tena") GINGERY -- to -- Mary GLAGHORN
John Lyon of GLAMIS -- to -- Elizabeth GLAZIER
John GLAZIER -- to -- Robert GLEN
Jill E. GLENCOE -- to -- Mabel of GLOUCESTER
Maud of GLOUCESTER -- to -- Philip GLOVER
Richard P. GLOVER -- to -- Francis GODFREY
George W. GODFREY -- to -- Marion GODSREDSDATTER
Githa GODWINSON -- to -- Samuel (Sr.) GOLDTHWAITE
Thomas GOLDTHWAITE -- to -- James ("Jamie") GONZALES
Munio GONZALES -- to -- Hannah GOODALE
Hannah GOODALE -- to -- Martha GOODHUE
Sarah GOODHUE -- to -- Adam GOODWIN
Caleb B. GOODWIN -- to -- Mary Ann GOODWIN
Milford H. GOODWIN -- to -- Johann Jacob GOOSEHORN
Mary GOOSEHORN -- to -- Nancy B. GORDON
Norma GORDON -- to -- Ralph GORGES
UP (Thomas CUSHMAN - Laura Edrie HARDISON )
BACK (Florence E. ("Flossie") GEIST - Adeliza Fitz GILBERT )
NEXT (Theobald GORGES - Elisabeth Norton GRAY )