Nicholas NORTON -- to -- Sylvanus Rodney NORTON
Thomas NORTON -- to -- Frederick VII, King of Denmark & NORWAY
Haakon I Haraldsson, King of NORWAY -- to -- Evangeline M. NORWOOD
Francis NORWOOD -- to -- Yaropolk, Prince of NOVGOROD
Lillian Marie NOWAK -- to -- Frank Willard NOYES
Genice A. NOYES -- to -- Sarah NOYES
Susannah NOYES -- to -- Tigridia NUNEZ
Vermudo NUNEZ -- to -- Thomas NUTT
Barshaba NUTTER -- to -- Bethia NYE
Caleb NYE -- to -- William NYE
Dianne NYMAN -- to -- Stephen Frank O'CONNELL
Timothy O'CONNELL -- to -- Ellen Clair O'LEARY
Gertrude B. O'MALLEY -- to -- Lena OAKES
Mary Lydia OAKES -- to -- Nicholas OBER
Peter OBER -- to -- Timothy H. OBRIEN
Mary OCINGTON -- to -- Florent III, Crusader, Count OF HOLLAND
Aumary I, King OF JERUSALEM -- to -- Janet OGILVY
Margaret OGILVY -- to -- Elizabeth OGLESBY
Elizabeth OGLESBY -- to -- Halfdan The OLD
Richard OLDCASTLE -- to -- Birchum OLDENBURGH
Lucretia OLDHAM -- to -- Sarah Elizabeth OLMSTEAD
Charles Edwin OLNEY -- to -- Antonette Mary OPUDA
John "Jake" OPUDA -- to -- Amos E. ORCUTT
Annie Elizabeth ORCUTT -- to -- Ralph Amos ORCUTT
Rebecca M. ORCUTT -- to -- Mary ORDWAY
Peter ORDWAY -- to -- Adélaïde of ORLEANS
Charles, Duke of ORLEANS -- to -- Sarah Jane ORR
UP (Thomas MARTINEAU - Mary Victoria SHEIBLEY )
BACK (Joan NELSON - Milton H. NORTON )
NEXT (Wallace H. ORR - Robin Marie PATERSON )