Deborah Jean VAIL (____ - ____)
Eric Wilson VAIL (____ - ____)
Franz Keith VAIL (____ - ____)
Hubert Judson VAIL (27 OCT 1925 - 19 JUL 1994)
Thomas VAIL (____ - ____)
Sofia VALADARSDATTIR (CA 1140 - 1198)
Knud VALDEMARSEN (____ - ____)
Felicia Maria VALDEZ (____ - ____)
Sam VALDEZ (____ - ____)
Henry VALENTINE (5 OCT 1809 - 13 FEB 1866)
Marvin R. VALENTINE (13 JUL 1928 - 7 SEP 2015)
Susanna Belle VALENTINE (20 MAY 1840 - 17 JAN 1924)
Pablo Rener VALLE (____ - ____)
Isabel VALLETORT (____ - ____)
Aimone, Siegneur of VALLEY (____ - 1238)
Ruth VALLEY (4 JUL 1900 - 1974)
Marcia Evelyn VALLIERE (____ - ____)
Catherine of VALOIS (1303 - 1346)
Charles, Count of VALOIS (12 MAR 1270 - 16 DEC 1325)
Elizabeth of VALOIS (1545 - 1568)
Joanna (or Jane) of VALOIS (CA 1294 - 7 MAR 1342)
Katherine "The Fair" of VALOIS (27 OCT 1401 - 3 JAN 1437)
Margaret of VALOIS (1553 - 1615)
Philip "The Bold" of VALOIS (15 JAN 1342 - 27 APR 1404)
Katherine VAMPAGE (CA 1316 - ____)
UP (John TYRRELL - (daughter) VON BüREN )
BACK (Lottie Jane URICH - Martin VAHSHOLTZ )