Index of Persons

Joseph ALTHOUSE (28 JUL 1788 - 24 MAY 1849)
Willie T. ALTIMUS (4 JUN 1905 - 2 JUL 1998)
Julian ALTOFT (CA 1155 - ____)
Alice ALTON (1554 - 1627)
Isembert, Lord of ALTORF (____ - ____)
Warinus of Swabia, Lord of ALTORF (____ - 780)
Eva ALTRU (CA 1765 - ____)
Benedict ALVORD (CA 1619 - 23 APR 1683)
Jeremiah ALVORD (24 DEC 1655 - 6 JUN 1709)
Pablo Antonio Rener AMADOR (____ - ____)
Evelyn AMALONG (5 AUG 1884 - 24 APR 1967)
Isabel de Saint AMAND (____ - OCT 1361)
John de Saint AMAND (____ - < 25 JAN 1330)
Nunna (or Nuñez), Count of AMAYA (____ - ____)
Christopher AMAZEEN (1665 - 1752)
Christopher I. AMAZEEN (27 APR 1737 - 15 MAR 1823)
Joseph AMAZEEN (1712 - 1754)
Sarah AMAZEEN (3 SEP 1762 - 30 MAR 1808)
Conrad AMBERGER (2 FEB 1683 - 23 JUL 1742)
Johann Conrad AMBERGER (23 SEP 1646 - 12 FEB 1718)
Johann H. AMBERGER (4 SEP 1617 - 31 JUL 1688)
Simon AMBERGER (1575 - 1648)
Lori Diane AMBLER (____ - ____)
Dorothy AMBROSE (21 SEP 1673 - > 1759)
Gertrude AMBROSE (1891 - 1976)

UP (Daniel Eathan ALLEN - William Harron ANDREWS )
BACK (Eberhard III, Count of Lower ALSACE - John Spencer of ALTHORP )
NEXT (Henry AMBROSE - Edwin Weston AMES )



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