Zatter METCALF (28 APR 1761 - ____)
Agnes METCALFE (1507 - ____)
James METCALFE (CA 1460 - 20 SEP 1539)
Margaret METCALFE (CA 1517 - 1565)
Margaret METCALFE (1622 - 6 OCT 1683)
Richard METCALFE (1546 - 1640)
Richard METCALFE (1579 - 1640)
Thomas METCALFE (1424 - 1504)
Elizabeth METHAM (____ - ____)
Climaco Jose METRAL (____ - ____)
Max Edward METRAL (____ - ____)
Trevor George METTERHAUSER (____ - ____)
William METTERHAUSER (____ - ____)
Marvin METTLER (22 FEB 1926 - FEB 1976)
Maria METTLINA (CA. 1696 - AFT 1760)
Adalbert I, Count of METZ (CA 820 - 18 SEP 882)
Adalbert II, Count of METZ (CA 850 - 2 JAN 890)
Adalbert III, Count of METZ (____ - 940)
Adalbert, Count of METZ (974 - 1033)
Agnes of METZ (CA 1114 - ____)
Arnoldus of Heristal, Bishop of METZ (CA 582 - 16 AUG 641)
Bertha B. METZ (12 NOV 1883 - 24 AUG 1959)
Budwine (Bouin), Count of Italy and METZ (CA 830 - CA 864)
Clodoule, Bishop of METZ (CA 596 - CA 690)
Drogo of METZ (____ - ____)
UP (Judy MEADER - Amanda P. MICHAEL )
BACK (Eunice METCALF - Timothy METCALF )
NEXT (GĂ©rard de Bourzonville, Count of METZ - Omar Leaman METZLER )