Magdalena STOHLER (31 AUG 1740 - 1813)
Anna Maria STOHR (____ - ____)
Robert, Baron of STOKE-COURCY (____ - ____)
William, Lord of STOKE-COURCY (____ - 1171)
Amelia STOKES (1819 - 14 OCT 1858)
Ann STOKES (____ - ____)
Cyrus Bistline STOKES (21 JUN 1899 - 29 APR 1957)
Edwin Bistline STOKES (____ - ____)
Robert F. STOKES (17 MAR 1928 - ____)
Stanley STOKES (____ - ____)
Susan STOKES (____ - ____)
Myrtle Viola STOKOE (24 MAR 1878 - 8 OCT 1941)
Elisabeth of STOLBERG (____ - ____)
Juliana of STOLBERG (15 FEB 1506 - 18 JUN 1580)
Agnes of STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE (1842 - 1904)
Eleonore of STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE (1801 - 1827)
Elizabeth of of STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE (CA 1438 - 1520)
Henry of STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE (5 SEP 1772 - 16 FEB 1854)
June Ellen STOLER (____ - ____)
George William STOLTZ (____ - ____)
Abigail STONE (____ - ____)
Abigail STONE (1691 - 1757)
Agnes STONE (1 JAN 1556 - 15 JAN 1616)
Albert E. STONE (16 JAN 1949 - 2 JUL 2023)
Bathsheba STONE (30 SEP 1739 - 29 JUL 1728)
UP (Carole STOCKMAN - Elisha John STROUT )
BACK (Eunice STODDER - Natasha Carol STOEBER )
NEXT (Benjamin STONE - Elizabeth STONE )