Suan B. YORK -- to -- Barbara Ann YOUNG
Bathsheba YOUNG -- to -- Elizabeth YOUNG
Elizabeth YOUNG -- to -- Hester YOUNG
Howard Eugene YOUNG -- to -- Mark Wade YOUNG
Martha Ellen YOUNG -- to -- Phoebe Linda YOUNG
Rachel YOUNG -- to -- Bertha Mae YOUNT
Catherine YOUNT -- to -- Jane Ann YOUSE
Ruth Mina YOUSE -- to -- Eva Margaret ZANGMEISTER
Erma L. ZANKER -- to -- Florent IV, Count of Holland and ZEELAND
Anna Irene ZEIDERS -- to -- David ZEITERS
Ella B. ZEITERS -- to -- George M. ZELLERS
Glenn Wilbur ZELLERS -- to -- Margaret E. ZETH
Helen Malissa ZETLER -- to -- Sebastian ZIMMERMAN
Susanna ZIMMERMAN -- to -- Geoffrey la ZOUCHE
Joyce ZOUCHE -- to -- Catharine ZURCHER
Adelheid of ZUTPHEN -- to -- Karoline Henriette Christine of ZWEIBRüCKEN-BIRKENFELD
UP (Sarah N. SMITH - Karoline Henriette Christine of ZWEIBRüCKEN-BIRKENFELD )
BACK (Elizabeth WOODBURY - Richard, K.G., Duke of YORK )