Mary ASHTON (1526 - 3 NOV 1595)
Richard ASHTON (1500 - 11 JAN 1549)
Sarah Susanna ASHTON (1720 - 9 JUL 1774)
Kayla ASHWORTH (____ - ____)
Martin ASHWORTH (____ - ____)
Terra ASHWORTH (____ - ____)
Isabella (dau. of William) ASLACTON (____ - ____)
John ASPALL (____ - ____)
Mary ASPALL (CA 1330 - ____)
John ASPINWALL (10 FEB 1774 - 6 OCT 1847)
John ASPINWALL (CA. 1705/06 - 5 JUN 1774)
Mary Rebecca ASPINWALL (20 DEC 1809 - 24 FEB 1886)
Mary ASQUITH (15 DEC 1839 - 22 SEP 1889)
Arnoldo, Count of ASTARAC (____ - ____)
Beulah Isabelle ASTBURY (4 SEP 1932 - 1956)
James M. ASTBURY (7 JAN 1908 - 26 SEP 1964)
John E. ASTBURY (18 NOV 1909 - 20 MAR 1984)
Lloyd Edward ASTBURY (25 NOV 1931 - 5 APR 2017)
Lucy May ASTBURY (16 APR 1896 - 20 OCT 1916)
Nettie C. ASTBURY (CA 1899 - ____)
Robert ASTBURY (____ - ____)
Robert George ASTBURY (7 DEC 1894 - 30 APR 1954)
Ruth Ellen ASTBURY (8 APR 1915 - 6 SEP 1998)
Stephen ASTBURY (15 MAY 1943 - 25 NOV 2018)
Thelma Jane ASTBURY (27 APR 1941 - 23 AUG 2024)
UP (Carl Lee ARNOLD - Nadia Helena AVERY )
BACK (Caradoc of ARWYSTLI - Michael John ASHMORE )
NEXT (Tracy O. ASTBURY - OrdoƱo I, King of ASTURIAS )