Elizabeth of BOHEMIA (7 OCT 1409 - 19 DEC 1442)
Friedrich, Duke of BOHEMIA (____ - 25 MAR 1189)
George of Podebrady, King of BOHEMIA (23 APR 1420 - 22 MAR 1471)
Hostivitius , Duke of BOHEMIA (____ - ____)
John of Luxemburg, King of BOHEMIA (10 AUG 1296 - 26 AUG 1346)
Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Hungary and BOHEMIA (26 JUL 1678 - 17 APR 1711)
Judith Premysl of BOHEMIA (CA 1058 - 25 DEC 1086)
Krzesomyslus, Duke of BOHEMIA (____ - 851)
Libussa, Duchess of BOHEMIA (____ - 734)
Ludmila of BOHEMIA (1170 - 4 AUG 1240)
Mnatha, Duke of BOHEMIA (____ - ____)
Neclan, Duke of BOHEMIA (____ - 873)
Nezamislus, Duke of BOHEMIA (____ - 783)
Nicholas I of BOHEMIA (CA 1255 - 25 JUL 1318)
Otakar II, King of BOHEMIA (____ - ____)
Ottokar I of BOHEMIA (CA 1155 - 15 DEC 1230)
Premislaus I, Duke of BOHEMIA (____ - 745)
Sidonie Podiebrad of BOHEMIA (____ - ____)
Sophia Hanover of BOHEMIA (14 OCT 1630 - 8 JUN 1714)
Udalric, Duke of BOHEMIA (____ - 9 NOV 1034)
Vladislaus I, Duke of BOHEMIA (CA 1065 - 12 APR 1125)
Vladislav II, King of BOHEMIA (____ - ____)
Vladislav II, King of BOHEMIA (CA 1110 - 18 JAN 1174)
Vogenus, Duke of BOHEMIA (____ - 831)
Vustisus, Duke of BOHEMIA (____ - ____)
Wenceslas of BOHEMIA (CA 907 - 28 SEP 929)
UP (Fidelia Chloe BLIGHTON - Joan of BOURBON )
BACK (Dora Annette BOGGS - Elizabeth of BOHEMIA )
NEXT (Wratislaus I, Duke of BOHEMIA - Lydia BOHNER )