Hannah Foster RAY -- to -- Abraham RAYBUCK
Alice Jean RAYBUCK -- to -- Hannah RAYMOND
Harriet Newell RAYMOND -- to -- Cynthia REA
Emma REA -- to -- Robert READE
Thomas READE -- to -- Johan Bernbart REBER
Johann Leonhardt REBER -- to -- Edna T. REBUCK
Eleanor A. REBUCK -- to -- Johann Adam REBUCK
Johann Michael REBUCK -- to -- Nathan REBUCK
Olive REBUCK -- to -- Effie May REDDICK
Dana REDDING -- to -- Matilda (Ridman or) REDMAN
Richard REDMAN -- to -- Clair Morris REED
Constance L. REED -- to -- Jessica REED
Johannes REED -- to -- Nina Belle REED
Oda Elva REED -- to -- Francis M. REEDY
Marie REEMSNYDER -- to -- Valentine REHBOCK
Caroline ("Carrie") REHM -- to -- Nellie Foy REIGLE
Marten REIJERSEN -- to -- Larry (II) REISINGER
Margery Jane REISINGER -- to -- Johannes REITZ
Johannes Peter REITZ -- to -- Arlene N. REMICK
Christian REMICK -- to -- Gurvand, Count of RENNES
Judicäel, Count of RENNES -- to -- Augustine REPPERT
Benjamin Leslie REPPERT -- to -- Mathew Lee REPPERT
Melchior REPPERT -- to -- Gurney RESSLER
Harry RESSLER -- to -- Hugh I, Count of RETHEL
Hughes (II) de Rethel, Count of RETHEL -- to -- Elizabeth REYGATE
William REYGATE -- to -- Winnifred B. REYNOLDS
UP (Abigail MAYO - Samuel Schoppee (Jr) SILSBY )
BACK (Margaret PREYERS - George F. RAY )
NEXT (Elizabeth J. RHEAM - James RIDLEY )