Salome ("Sally") YOUNT (2 MAY 1787 - 3 SEP 1880)
Solomon David YOUNT (AUG 1863 - 7 AUG 1910)
Solomon Reid YOUNT (7 AUG 1823 - 29 DEC 1894)
William YOUNT (____ - ____)
Arthur Caldwell YOUSE (____ - ____)
Charles Atkins YOUSE (____ - ____)
Charles Oliver YOUSE (10 DEC 1869 - 10 JUL 1910)
David Howard YOUSE (____ - ____)
Donald Wayne YOUSE (31 MAR 1910 - 22 MAY 1991)
George Hillis YOUSE (____ - ____)
Hillis John YOUSE (10 SEP 1905 - 8 MAY 1999)
Jane Ann YOUSE (____ - ____)
Ruth Mina YOUSE (6 SEP 1900 - 6 NOV 1996)
Sarah ("Sally") Kate YOUSE (7 MAY 1944 - 14 SEP 2015)
Susan Minnie YOUSE (31 AUG 1877 - ____)
Philip, Count of YPRES (____ - ____)
William of YPRES (CA 1090 - 24 JAN 1165)
Carader YREICHFRAS (____ - ____)
Charles YSEWYN (2 DEC 1931 - 9 JUL 2018)
Alexander I, King of YUGOSLAVIA (1888 - 9 OCT 1934)
Alexander of YUGOSLAVIA (____ - ____)
Alexander, Crown Prince of YUGOSLAVIA (____ - ____)
Andrej of YUGOSLAVIA (28 JUN 1929 - 7 MAY 1990)
Peter II, King of YUGOSLAVIA (6 SEP 1923 - 3 NOV 1970)
Peter of YUGOSLAVIA (____ - ____)
UP (John YELVERTON - Karoline Henriette Christine of ZWEIBRüCKEN-BIRKENFELD )
BACK (Stanley Earl YOUNG - Rudolph YOUNT )