John CAPON (21 OCT 1639 - 8 JUN 1707)
John CAPPEN (6 JAN 1612 - 6 APR 1692)
Catherine CAPPS (11 SEP 1826 - 20 NOV 1906)
Dana M. CAPPS (____ - ____)
Sarah CAQUELIN (8 JAN 1726 - 2 JAN 1796)
Sebastien CAQUELIN (10 MAY 1686 - 1751)
Gweryd ap CARADOC (____ - ____)
Marioara CARAGEA (____ - ____)
Acfred II, Count of CARCASSONNE (____ - 935)
Bello, Count of CARCASSONNE (____ - ____)
Ermesinde of CARCASSONNE (972 - 1 MAR 1057)
Eudes, Count of CARCASSONNE (____ - ____)
Oliba I de Razès, Count of CARCASSONNE (____ - 837)
Oliba II, Count of CARCASSONNE (____ - 897)
Elizabeth ("Lizzie") Hannah CARD (APR 1868 - 2 APR 1949)
Isabelle Estelle CARD (1881 - 1 JUN 1863)
Mary CARD (14 NOV 1756 - 1830)
Arnothen, Prince of CARDIGAN (____ - ____)
Artholes, Prince of CARDIGAN (____ - ____)
Brothan, Prince of CARDIGAN (____ - ____)
Clydawe, Prince of CARDIGAN (____ - ____)
Morien of CARDIGAN (____ - ____)
Seirwell, Prince of CARDIGAN (____ - ____)
Seisyll, Prince of CARDIGAN (____ - CA 730)
Uffa, Prince of CARDIGAN (____ - 544)
UP (Colin Oig CAMPBELL - Sancha of CASTILE )
BACK (John William CANTLIN - Marguerite CAPET )
NEXT (Jacob CARDWELL - Henry II, Duke of CARINTHIA )