Cheiny Sharpe ISAAK (____ - 24 SEP 1652)
Dorcas ISAAK (____ - ____)
Richard ISAAK (1606 - ____)
William ISACKE (CA 1512 - ____)
Berthold II, Count on the Upper ISAR (____ - CA 1060)
Friedrich I, Count of the Ober ISAR (CA 972 - AFT 1030)
Elen of ISCOED (____ - ____)
Margaret of ISCOED (____ - ____)
Blosius Blassius ISELE (1730 - 18 MAY 1784)
Jacob Fortney ISENBERGER (21 JUN 1836 - 4 APR 1918)
Ameda Jane ISENHART (22 MAY 1868 - 13 MAR 1939)
Eli B. ISENHART (6 MAY 1844 - 30 JUL 1912)
Nancy ISENHART (1 OCT 1837 - 23 SEP 1917)
Nathaniel B. ISENHART (27 JUN 1817 - 7 JUL 1862)
Alexander W. ISH (CA 1831 - ____)
Alexander Wilson ISH (10SEP 1856 - 18 OCT 1944)
Carl Jackson ISH (20 MAR 1919 - 27 JAN 1992)
Carol Ann ISH (____ - ____)
Jacob D. ISH (CA 1806 - 11 JAN 1866)
Lial Laverne ISH (15 MAR 1898 - 30 DEC 1980)
Timothy Carl ISH (____ - ____)
Capt. Henry ISHAM (CA 1628 - ____)
Giles Mason ISHAM (1869 - 1935)
Gregory ISHAM (1520 - 4 SEP 1558)
Mary ISHAM (CA 1658 - 29 DEC 1735)
Mildred F. ISHAM (23 JUN 1893 - 1973)
UP (Sarah HUTCHINS - John Jay JACOBS )
NEXT (Sir Euseby ISHAM - Raoul (Ralph), Count of Bayeux & Count of IVRY )