Haakon I Haraldsson, King of NORWAY (CA 920 - 961)
Haakon III of NORWAY (1182 - 1 JAN 1204)
Haakon IV of NORWAY (CA APR 1204 - 16 DEC 1263)
Harald I "Hårfagre\Harfagri\Fairhair", King of NORWAY (850 - 936)
Harald II ("Graafeld"), King of NORWAY (____ - 969)
Harald, King of NORWAY (____ - ____)
Ingeborg Eriksdottir of NORWAY (1297 - 1357)
Louise Auguste of Denmark and NORWAY (7 JUL 1771 - 13 JAN 1843)
Magnus III "Berrføtt\Barfod\Barfot\Barefoot" King of NORWAY (1073 - 24 JUN 1103)
Margaret, Maid of NORWAY (CA APR 1283 - 1290)
Olaf (II) Haraldsson, King of NORWAY (995 - 29 JUL 1030)
Olaf III ("the Quiet"), King of NORWAY (CA 1050 - 22 SEP 1093)
Olav V, King of NORWAY (2 JUL 1903 - 17 JAN 1991)
Oscar I, King of Sweden And NORWAY (4 JUL 1799 - 8 JUL 1859)
Oscar II, King of Sweden And NORWAY (21 JAN 1829 - 8 DEC 1907)
Ragnild Alexandra of NORWAY (1930 - ____)
Rognvald of NORWAY (____ - 1046)
Sigurd of NORWAY (1089/90 - 14 AUG 1130)
Sverre of NORWAY (CA 1149 - 9 MAR 1202)
Wulfhilde ("Gisela") of NORWAY (1020 - 24 MAY 1071)
Elizabeth NORWICH (____ - ____)
Deborah NORWOOD (4 SEP 1677 - 7 JAN 1762)
Dora Eva NORWOOD (15 APR 1876 - 19 SEP 1972)
Emeline NORWOOD (28 SEP 1850 - 24 JAN 1890)
Evangeline M. NORWOOD (10 MAY 1910 - 5 OCT 1999)
UP (Nicholas NORTON - Sarah Jane ORR )
BACK (Thomas NORTON - Frederick VII, King of Denmark & NORWAY )
NEXT (Francis NORWOOD - Yaropolk, Prince of NOVGOROD )