Index of Persons

Myrna Leland BOOK (13 OCT 1901 - 15 MAR 1977)
Walter Witmer BOOK (26 JUL 1877 - 8 NOV 1931)
Elizabeth BOOKER (30 JUN 1796 - 10 SEP 1860)
George BOONE (17 NOV 1646 - 1706)
George BOONE (19 MAR 1665 - 27 FEB 1743)
Mary BOONE (23 SEP 1699 - 16 JAN 1774)
Royce BOONE (____ - ____)
Samuel BOONE (1 JAN 1818 - 4 NOV 1899)
Susannah Maher BOONE (23 JUL 1758 - 23 JAN 1800)
Carl M. BOOR (28 NOV 1920 - 21 AUG 2007)
Opal E. BOOR (26 OCT 1911 - 10 SEP 2003)
Otis Elijah BOOR (30 OCT 1879 - 7 APR 1945)
Ann BOOTH (CA 1747 - 22 SEP 1830)
Audrey BOOTH (____ - 11 APR 1519)
Dianah BOOTH (3 JUL 1846 - 29 MAY 1916)
Eleanor BOOTH (CA. 1510 - 13 JUL 1547)
Frank Thomas BOOTH (5 APR 1855 - 10 FEB 1925)
Hazel Dell BOOTH (27 NOV 1893 - 1 JUL 1987)
Isabel BOOTH (____ - ____)
John BOOTH (1487/88 - BY 23-MAY-1537)
John BOOTH (CA 1704 - 19 SEP 1792)
John BOOTH (8 JUN 1794 - 1 NOV 1881)
John Edward BOOTH (15 NOV 1922 - 6 AUG 1984)
Philip BOOTH (____ - ____)
Susannah BOOTH (1617 - 1675)

UP (Sara Louise BLATTER - Edna Sarah BOUCHER )
BACK (John BONNETTE - Marian Jane BOOK )
NEXT (Thomas BOOTH - Catharine BORDNER )



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