_Garibaldo I, Duke of BAVARIA _____________+ | (.... - 0640) _Theodon III, Duke of BAVARIA _|_Gela of FRIULI ___________________________ | (.... - 0630) _Tassilo of BAVARIA _| | | | | _Theodobert II of France, King, AUSTRASIA _+ | | | (0586 - 0612) | |_Regintrude of FRANCE _________|___________________________________________ | _Grimaldo I, Duke of BAVARIA _| | (.... - 0695) | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | _______________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________|___________________________________________ | _Theodon V, Duke of BAVARIA _| | (.... - 0717) | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | _______________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | | _____________________| | | | | | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | | | |_______________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | |______________________________| | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | _______________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________|___________________________________________ | | |--Grimaldo II of BAVARIA | (.... - 0725) | ___________________________________________ | | | _______________________________|___________________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________________|___________________________________________ | | | ______________________________| | | | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | | _______________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________| | | | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________________|___________________________________________ | | |_Folchiade of SALZEBURG _____| | | ___________________________________________ | | | _______________________________|___________________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________________|___________________________________________ | | |______________________________| | | ___________________________________________ | | | _______________________________|___________________________________________ | | |_____________________| | | ___________________________________________ | | |_______________________________|___________________________________________
[3826] In 2013 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grimoald_of_Bavaria offers: "Grimoald (or Grimwald) (died 725) was the duke of Bavaria from about 715 to his death. He was the youngest of the four sons of Theodo of Bavaria and his wife Folchaid and the uncle of Swanachild, the second wife of Charles Martel. At first, he co-reigned with his brothers Theodbert, Theobald, and Tassilo II and then, from around 719, alone. His father divided the principality, after involving his two eldest sons with the reign of the duchy in 715. Upon Theodo's death in 716, the divided duchy was plunged into civil war and all the brothers save Grimoald were dead by 719. It is not certain if the division of the duchy was territorial or a powersharing scheme, but if the former, it seems most probable that Grimoald's capital was either Freising, which he later favoured as a diocesan seat, or Salzburg, which he later treated as a capital of sorts (Vita Corbiniani). It was Grimoald who induced Saint Corbinian to come to Bavaria in 724 to evangelise. Grimoald had married his brother's widow, Biltrude (Pilitrud), and by canon law this was incest. Corbinian promptly denounced the duke, who had already repented and relapsed. His anger was now raised and Corbinian had to flee. The next year (725), Charles Martel marched against Bavaria and carried off Biltrude and Swanachild, killing Grimoald in battle."
_Sir Thomas FORSTER _____________+ | (.... - 1589) _Cuthbert FORSTER ____________|_Feorina (or Florence) WHARTON __ | _Thomas FORSTER __________| | m 1580 | | | _Thomas BRADFORD ________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth BRADFORD __________|_________________________________ | _Reginald (Forster) FOSTER _____________| | (1594 - 1680) m 1619 | | | _Thomas CARR ____________________+ | | | (.... - 1558) | | _William (Esq.) Carr of FORD _|_Elizabeth, Heiress of FORD _____ | | | (1551 - 1589) (1533 - 1554) | |_Elizabeth ("Jane") CARR _| | (1570 - 1594) m 1580 | | | _Henry (of Newcastle) BRANDLING _+ | | | (1515 - ....) | |_Ursula BRANDLING ____________|_Ursula BUCKTON _________________ | (1526 - ....) _Abraham FOSTER _____| | (1622 - 1711) | | | _________________________________ | | | | | ______________________________|_________________________________ | | | | | _Alexander WIGNALL _______| | | | | | | | | _________________________________ | | | | | | | | |______________________________|_________________________________ | | | | |_Judith WIGNOL _________________________| | (1597 - 1664) m 1619 | | | _________________________________ | | | | | ______________________________|_________________________________ | | | | |__________________________| | | | | _________________________________ | | | | |______________________________|_________________________________ | | |--Ephraim FOSTER | (1657 - 1746) | _________________________________ | | | ______________________________|_________________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | | _________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________________|_________________________________ | | | _John BURBANK __________________________| | | (1600 - 1683) | | | | _________________________________ | | | | | | | ______________________________|_________________________________ | | | | | | |__________________________| | | | | | | _________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________________|_________________________________ | | |_Lydia BURBANK ______| (1644 - 1692) | | _________________________________ | | | ______________________________|_________________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | | _________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________________|_________________________________ | | |_Jemima (Gemima), wife of John BURBANK _| (.... - 1692) | | _________________________________ | | | ______________________________|_________________________________ | | |__________________________| | | _________________________________ | | |______________________________|_________________________________
[17093] Ephraim m. (prob. 1678) Hannah Eames (b. ca. 1661) and had Rose, Hannah, Jemima, Ephraim, John, Gideon, David, Moses, Aaron, Joshua and Ruth. Hannah Eames is dau. of Robert Eames of Andover and wife Rebecca Blake of Gloucester (dau. of George Blake, b. 1611, freeman 25 Nov 1651, and wife Dorothy - George d. 17 Feb 1698 at Boxford, MA and Dorothy d. there 12 Dec 1702). Re: Ephraim's death year see Boxford VR, 1746, d. in 89th year. His birth year seems a bit early, given his mother's age. Find A Grave Memorial 14786896 offers: "EPHRAIM FOSTER (Abraham, Reginald), b. Ipswich, Mass., October 9, 1657; m. --, 1677, Hannah Eames, dau. of Robert, b. 1661, d. July 8, 1711; m. 2d, Jan. 8, 1733, Mary West, of Bradford, wid. of John West. He was a blacksmith. 'One of the prominent names in the early town history [of Andover, Mass.,] was Ephraim Foster. He was a grandson of Reginald Foster, a citizen of Ipswich of some consideration, and who is said by genealogists to have been descended from an ancient family of Forsters, mentioned by Walter Scott in his tales and ballads of Scottish border warfare. Ephraim Foster was a man conspicuous in the town matters of Andover, although not connected prominently with the military or the civil history. He seems, judging from the numerous documents in his handwriting, to have excelled as a scribe, and to have been versed in the art of punctuation, then little known to the majority of our town officials. His favorite point was the colon, with which his papers are plentifully besprinkled, without regard to the grammatical or rhetorical construction. This characteristic appears in the 'Proprietor's Records,' where his handwriting occurs. Some of the family estates were in the east part of North Andover, one of the ancient homesteads (that afterward occupied by J. M. Hubbard, Esq., and noted for the large and beautiful elm tree, still vigorous) was Ephraim's residence. He d. September 21, 1746. Res., Andover, Mass., in that part now North Andover. Ephraim Foster seemed to put some faith in his townsman's prophecies. He testified that Wardell had made some predictions In regard to the birth of his (Foster's) children, that there would be five girls In the household before a son should be born. This had proved true. The witness had also often seen Wardell 'tell fortins,' and he observed that in doing so the fortune teller always 'looked first into the hand of the person, and then cast his eyes down on the ground.' This was proof of his being in league with Satan, though the connection is not obvious. - from F.C. Pierce, Foster Genealogy"
New England Historical & Genealogical Register
_Robert GRAY ________+ | (1680 - 1748) m 1706 _Joshua GRAY ________|_Elizabeth FREETHY __ | (1714 - ....) m 1736 (1686 - ....) _Reuben (Sr.) GRAY __| | (1743 - 1832) m 1763| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Jennat ELLIOT ______|_____________________ | m 1736 _Reuben (Jr.) GRAY _____| | (1762 - 1858) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Abigail BLACK ______| | (1743 - 1820) m 1763| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Samuel H. GRAY _____| | (1790 - 1852) m 1736| | | _Samuel HERRICK _____+ | | | (.... - 1743) m 1691 | | _Samuel HERRICK _____|_Sarah LEACH ________ | | | (1702 - 1764) m 1733 (1673 - 1711) | | _Andrew HERRICK _____| | | | (1743 - 1812) | | | | | _Benjamin HASKELL ___+ | | | | | (1683 - 1762) | | | |_Prudence HASKELL ___|_Elizabeth ALLEN ____ | | | (1713 - 1774) m 1733 (1687 - 1724) | |_Sarah Goodwin HERRICK _| | (1766 - 1846) | | | _Samuel GOODWIN _____+ | | | (1695 - ....) m 1719 | | _George GOODWIN _____|_Sarah DAVIS ________ | | | (1694 - ....) | |_Sarah GOODWIN ______| | (1746 - 1775) | | | _Ephraim AYRES ______+ | | | (1687 - ....) | |_Abigail AYRES ______|_Sarah MOORE ________ | (1724 - ....) | |--Salena Jane GRAY | (1840 - ....) | _Samuel BILLINGS ____+ | | (1667 - 1749) m 1699 | _John BILLINGS ______|_Mary BARRON ________ | | (1700 - 1754) m 1726 (.... - 1747) | _John R. BILLINGS ___| | | (1731 - 1803) m 1753| | | | _Benjamin BROWNE ____+ | | | | (1682 - 1753) m 1703 | | |_Elizabeth BROWNE ___|_Anna GARFIELD ______ | | (1708 - 1763) m 1726 (1683 - 1737) | _Daniel BILLINGS _______| | | (1769 - 1858) m 1792 | | | | _Jacob FARRAR _______+ | | | | (1669 - 1732) | | | _Henry FARRER _______|_____________________ | | | | (1703 - ....) | | |_Hannah FARRAR ______| | | (1737 - 1806) m 1753| | | | _Abraham HILL _______+ | | | | (1670 - 1720) m 1697 | | |_Sarah HILL _________|_Martha CARY ________ | | (1678 - 1720) |_Azuba BILLINGS _____| (.... - 1887) m 1736| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _Edward CARTER ______| | | (1743 - 1827) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Catherine CARTER ______| (1779 - 1848) m 1792 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Esther POWERS ______| (1745 - 1826) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[9808] Angilee is daughter of Robert Ford Green and Francis Thomas. Her obituary: "Angilee Green Sheldon, 70, passed away October 27, 2003. She is survived by her husband of 49 years, George Sheldon; daughter, Shelly and husband Rocky Bromley; daughter, Wendy and husband Jan Rigby; grandson, Travis Rigby; granddaughters, Amanda Rigby and Rebecca Bromley; brother-in-law, Joe Sheldon and wife Peggy. Mrs. Sheldon taught second grade at St. George Episcopal School for 32 years. She was an active member of University United Methodist Church."
[43542] William is son of Johannes S. Kistler & Elizabeth Brobst.
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Cunningham LYMBURNER _| | (1753 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | _____________________| | | | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Molly LYMBURNER | (1780 - ....) | _Sylvester STOVER ___ | | m 1652 | _George STOVER ______|_Elizabeth NORTON ___ | | (1668 - ....) m 1692 | _Joseph STOVER ______| | | (1694 - ....) | | | | _Isaac ELWELL _______+ | | | | (1641 - 1715) m 1665 | | |_Abigail ELWELL _____|_Mehitable MILLETT __ | | (1676 - ....) m 1692 (1641 - 1699) | _Nathaniel STOVER ___| | | (1724 - 1794) m 1752| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | _Nathaniel FREEMAN __|_____________________ | | | | (.... - 1723) m 1699 | | |_Sarah FREEMAN ______| | | | | | | _John PENIWELL ______+ | | | | (1647 - ....) m 1673 | | |_Alice PENIWELL _____|_Sarah PUDDINGTON ___ | | (.... - 1720) m 1699 |_Elizabeth STOVER _____| | | _Leonard WEEKS ______+ | | (1633 - 1707) m 1666 | _Samuel WEEKS _______|_Mary REDMAN ________ | | (1670 - 1735) (1649 - ....) | _John WEEKS _________| | | (1702 - 1763) | | | | _Samuel HAINES ______+ | | | | (1646 - 1688) m 1673 | | |_Elinor HAINES ______|_Mary FIFIELD _______ | | (1675 - 1736) (1646 - 1679) |_Mary WEEKS _________| (1730 - ....) m 1752| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[17747] Molly is James' second of three wives - for his family and their genealogy, see "The Grindle Family of Hancock County, Maine" (1978), pp. 92ff.
[34491] This line is from the unverified Bigler Family Tree in Ancestry.com in 2013 which states Phebe is daughter of John W. Miller (b. ca. 1816) and wife Catherine (b. ca. 1830), both b. in Germany.
[28128] These parents are not verified - but are given as proposed in One World Tree on Ancestry.com in 2007.
_____________________ | ________________________________|_____________________ | _____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |________________________________|_____________________ | _____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | | ________________________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |________________________________|_____________________ | _Emery H. WEBSTER ___| | (1881 - 1951) | | | _____________________ | | | | | ________________________________|_____________________ | | | | | _____________________| | | | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | | |________________________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | | ________________________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |________________________________|_____________________ | | |--Thomas F. WEBSTER | (1915 - 1982) | _____________________ | | | ________________________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |________________________________|_____________________ | | | _Uriah BOWDEN _______| | | (1853 - 1913) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | ________________________________|_____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |________________________________|_____________________ | | |_Mabel F. BOWDEN ____| (1884 - 1953) | | _Samuel FARNHAM _____+ | | (1747 - 1834) m 1775 | _Nathaniel FARNHAM _____________|_Dorcas BRAGG _______ | | (1783 - 1853) m 1813 (1746 - 1800) | _Samuel FARNHAM _____| | | (1823 - 1904) m 1855| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Elizabeth STOVER ______________|_____________________ | | (1792 - 1851) m 1813 |_Lucy J. FARNHAM ____| (1856 - 1887) | | _____________________ | | | _Ebenezer HEATH ________________|_____________________ | | (1799 - 1872) m 1821 |_Lucy D. HEATH ______| (1832 - 1911) m 1855| | _Elijah LITTLEFIELD _ | | (1759 - 1841) m 1785 |_Dorothy ("Dolly") LITTLEFIELD _|_Sarah Alice STOVER _ (1789 - 1866) m 1821 (1760 - 1840)