[22996] http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/4791/willey2001update3.html states that Abigail is daughter of Richard Denbo and Mary (Bunker) and lists her children with John Willey - in addition to Ichabod, the children are Jonathan (b. ca. 1730/31) and Tamson (b. 1749, d. 1825). NH Probate, Vol. 38, p. 255: John Willey 1766 Durham, wife Abigail [Denbo] renounces administration of estate in favor of her son Jonathan and Nathaniel Thompson (Vol. 24, p. 151). http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~lougene/p32.htm gives parents of Richard Denbo as Salathie Denbo and a daughter of William Roberts, and states that Richard Denbo m. (her 2) Mary ____(b. 1674, d. 17 Jan 1756), a Quaker preacher, with whom he had Abigail, Clement, Ichabod and Peter [this information is not verified]. See "History of Durham, NH", p. 130.