In 2002 recorded: General Notes: THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE, "DOUBTFUL THOMASES," WAS PREPARED BY COUSIN JOE BURGESS OF OREGON: "Thomas and Dorothy Burgess and their young family came from Cornwall, England in (or not far from) 1630 and settled in Lynn (or Salem), Massachusetts Bay Colony." All Burgess researchers have seen similar statements - and some have accepted part or all as fact. Our purpose in this article is to question (and perhaps generate some discussion about) the Cornwall origin, but first let us look briefly at the supposed arrival date of the Burgess family in New England. "I do not know who was the first one responsible for the assertion that Thomas came to these shores about 1630, lived in Lynn or Salem, within Essex County, Mass., thence to Plymouth Colony with the Saugus (then part of Lynn) group. But there seems not an iota of documentary proof for the idea. My careful study shows no evidence that Thomas was ever of the Bay Colony; it is apparently just an example of those myths oft repeated, sans checking, by the copyists." These words are found in Burgess Lineage, a typescript prepared for a client in 1957-1958 by Winifred Lovering Holman, S.B., F.A.S.G., whose manuscript collection is now in the NEHGS Library in Boston. (Miss Holman later married Frank R. Dodge and we will refer to her hereafter as Mrs. Dodge. We consider her discussion of the early Burgess generations in this country to be the most authoritative and best documented we have seen and will cite it several more times in the following paragraphs.) For the first chapter alone, devoted to the progenitor, Thomas Burgess or Burge, she reviewed nearly ninety references and cited many of them. The first official record for Thomas Burgess places him in Duxbury on 3 July 1637 and shortly thereafter, he is found in Sandwich. Until we see an iota or two of documentary proof, we must consider any statement of Thomas' presence in New England much prior to this date as conjecture. For a time we too believed it very likely that Thomas was from Cornwall; we now consider it only a possibility. We began our genealogical pursuits in 1985 while living in Saudi Arabia where there are no genealogical libraries and our alternative was to create our own. One of our early acquisitions was the three volume Genealogies of Mayflower Families from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, selected and introduced by Gary Boyd Roberts and published in 1985 by the Genealogical Publishing Company., Inc. A check of the indices quickly led us to Volume III and the article, 'Ezra Perry of Sandwich, Mass.' by Lydia B. (Phinney) Brownson and Maclean W. McLean. On page 4, first published in The Register, Vol. 115 (Apr. 1961), we found "Elizabeth (Burges) Perry, born probably in or near Truro, Cornwall, England, about 1629, was the only daughter of Thomas and Dorothy Burges of Sandwich." The compilers did not disclose the basis for this probability, but we were elated; we had a clue! Not long after, we received a letter from a newly discovered cousin telling us that another cousin had told her that our Thomas was believed to have been the son of Thomas Jr. and Elizabeth (Pye) Burges of Truro, Cornwall and the grandson of Thomas and Honner (Sidman) Burges, also of Truro. Because of the Perry/Cornwall link, we had already planned to visit Truro on our next trip to England and we immediately wrote to this cousin, asking for more information about the Truro Thomas and the possibility that he could be identical to the Thomas who married Dorothy Waynes in Tanfield, co. York, in 1628. Our letter was forwarded to R. A. Lovell, Jr., then the Archivist/Historian at the Sandwich (Mass.) Archives & Historical Center. He replied, 'We have resource material on many Cape Cod families, and try to establish what is proven and detailed, as against what is claimed or hopeful. Unfortunately much that is in print and has been used by many researchers is not in the proven category.' Mr. Lovell included in his reply a copy of a 15 April 1964 letter found in the Burgess material in Mrs. Dodge's papers in the NEHGS. The author, Benjamin F. Wilbour (also a descendant of Thomas and Dorothy Burgess), told Mrs. Dodge of his discovery of the Thomas Burgess and Dorothy Waynes marriage record and added, 'In the Hartford Times someone tied him up to the Burgess family of Truro in Cornwall who had a Thos. bapt. 1601... I think this very wrong, as people did not marry out of their class then, and "Goodman" Burgess who could not sign his name would hardly come from the gentry.' Mr. Lovell, referring to Mr. Wilbour, stated "He therefore feels, as we do, that it is much more likely that our Thomas was the one who married Dorothy Waynes in York in 1628. However, there is no proof either way." Other cousins, in more recent correspondence, have observed that certainly our Thomas, who 'served the town in every office, humble or honorable, from road-surveyor to deputy to the Court at Plymouth"' and who was called a chief man of the town, must have been literate. They point out that because of age and other infirmities, many literate persons have signed their wills with a mark and that others, especially those with strong religious convictions, signed their wills with a mark closely resembling a cross. Others, citing such works as Rev. Dr. Ebenezer Burgess' Burgess Genealogy, Memorial of the Family of Thomas and Dorothy Burgess, who were Settled at Sandwich, in the Plymouth Colony, in 1637 (Boston: Press of T. R. Marvin & Son, 1865) and Dr. Barry Hovey Burgess' Burgess Genealogy, Kings County, Nova Scotia Branch of the Descendants of Thomas and Dorothy Burgess who came from England in 1630 and settled in Sandwich, Massachusetts (New York: Chas. E. Fitchett, 1941), claim that Thomas actually signed his will with his signature. True, the wills as printed in these volumes contain no indication that they were signed with a mark and the witnesses to the will made oath 'that they saw Thomas Burgess sign, seal and declare this to be his last Will and Testament.' Dr. Ebenezer Burgess included the notation, 'Orthography slightly amended.' Dr. Barry Hovey Burgess copied from Dr. Ebenezer Burgess and added, 'The compiler has searched in vain for the original document, in the hope of here presenting a photostatic copy. He fails to see any advantage in altering its orthography, for which, in those days, there were no established rules; in fact, a variety of spelling was considered by some a mark of literary skill. The purpose of any document is to convey its intent in unmistakable terms, and in this respect the will of Thomas Burgess compares most favorably with present-day documents, many of which are so encumbered with complicated legal phrases that their interpretation would defy the wisdom of Socrates.' Mrs. Dodge, in Burgess Lineage, gives us a copy of the will with unaltered orthography, with this caveat: 'This seems to be an imperfect copy; it is from the official copies of the Plymouth Colony Wills, Mass. Archives, made from the volumes on file at Plymouth, Mass. The Rev. Ebenezer Burgess in his book on the family may have used the copy in the volumes at Plymouth.' In addition to the unaltered orthography, the version given by Mrs. Dodge contains a significant difference: 'Thomas Burg his T mark (seal).' We thus establish that not only did Thomas sign his will with his mark, but that his mark was not an "X" or a cross, but a 'T.' At the time he 'signed' his will, Thomas was over 80 years of age and his inability to then write his full name is not proof of illiteracy. To establish that fact, we must look at earlier documents bearing his mark. Mrs. Dodge states, 'It is entirely clear that neither Thomas or his son, Jacob Burgess, were able to write; few could sign their names in that epoch.' In her chapter on Thomas, she cites documents spanning a full thirty years before the date of Thomas' will. It will be noted that in each instance where his mark is described, it is a 'T': 5 April 1654 - Thomas Burgis of Sandwidge sold land to ffrancis Allen of Sandwidge, acknowledged by Thomas Burgess senir and Dorothy his wife before Myles Standish: 'The marke of Tho T Burgis.' 27 Dec 1654 - Thomas Burgis of Sandwidge sold land to John Jenkens of Sandwidge: 'Thomas Burgis mark.' 11 Jul 1667 - Thomas Burge witnessed, by mark, an Indian deed. 28 May 1668 - An indenture between Thomas Burg and Edmond ffreeman senr: "The mark of Thomas T Burg senior." Mrs. Dodge included a photocopy of a reduced photograph of this indenture, clearly showing Thomas' mark as a 'T.' 4 Oct 1682 - Inventory of the estate of Mr. Edmond Freeman, late of Sandwich deceased: witnessed by the "Mark of Thomas Burge senir. 4 Apr 1684 - Will of Thomas Burg Senr: 'Thomas Burg his T mark. On our final departure from Saudi Arabia in 1987 we spent a week in the library of the Society of Genealogists in London and then enjoyed a one-on-one tutorial with Gary Boyd Roberts at NEHGS, followed a few weeks later by a week long Come Home to New England Seminar, also at NEHGS. Thomas Burgess was no stranger to any of the professional genealogists who assisted us during those weeks; all advised us that given their knowledge of the resources available in their respective libraries, our limited time would be better spent researching other families where we would be far more likely to be successful. A genealogist at the Society of Genealogists pointed out the improbability of our Thomas being the son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Pye) Burgess, noting that in the will of the latter Thomas, written 22 April 1626, his son Thomas was listed last of six sons who had not yet "accomplished the age of one and twenty," suggesting that he was the youngest, born probably not much before 1613 and quite likely several years later. This conclusion was supported by the 1620 Visitation of Truro, listing no Thomas among the children of Thomas and Elizabeth (Pye) Burgess.
"Thanks to the advice to look elsewhere, we gathered so much data on other ancestral families during our week and a day at NEHGS that over five years later we are still entering that data into our computer files. In late 1991 we discovered or were discovered by several new Burgess cousins, causing us to look anew at our Burgess data. Edith Spencer, one of our new cousins, reminded us of the Truro Visitation and Cornwall wills - which we had almost forgotten until dusting off our notes - and inspiring us to a renewed effort in talking to our computer. Some of our new cousins are convinced of the Cornwall origin, some share our doubts, and some 'just don't know what to believe.' Our advice: don't believe anything until it is proven!
"FURTHER: In April 1964 Benjamin F. Wilbour wrote to Mrs. Frank R. Dodge (Winifred Lovering Holman): 'I think I have discovered the marriage of Thomas Burgess, Goodman Burgess. From Paver's Marriage licenses in Yorkshire Archaelogical Journal #20 Page 74 [1909]. "Thomas Burges and Dorothy Waynes at Tanfield - There 1628."' (His finding was published later that year in the "Register" (Oct. 1964)). 'In the Hartford Times someone tied him up to the Burgess family of Truro in Cornwall who had a Thos. bapt. 1601. See Visitation of the Gentry in Vivian's Cornwall. I think this is very wrong, as people did not marry out of their class then, and "Goodman" Burgess who could not sign his name would hardly come from the gentry." "There is however one fly in our ointment. Thomas Burgess' eldest son bore arms in 1643 and if at the right age would be 16 and therefore born 1627 but many times wanting to bear arms, they lied about their age." A copy of Mr. Wilbour's letter was provided to us by the Sandwich Archives, who added the following note: '[The day after ones' fifteenth birthday, he was automatically in his 16th year, and thus able to bear arms - Sand. Archives.]' Based only on the Tanfield marriage record, with no further proof, we tentatively place the Thomas Burgess and Dorothy Waynes who married in 1628 as identical to our immigrant Thomas and Dorothy and based on the Sandwich Archives note, we place eldest son Thomas' birthdate as circa 1628."
"Others comment: The ancestry of Thomas Burgess is not certain. Research indicates several possible roots. On January 12, 1995, Paul F. Burgess, author of "The Burgess History Tree", wrote a letter to "The Burgess Bulletin" and stated that he had hired a researcher in England. The researcher indicated several possible connections but did state that he was not the Thomas born in 1601 in Truro, which is the one with the Pye/Phippen connections. Other possible connections include: Thomas Burgess baptized 2 Oct 1603, son of Thomas Burgess and Elizabeth Seddon of Lancashire; Another Thomas Burgess was baptized 4 Nov 1603 and his wife, Dorothy Goodman, baptized in 1613 at Coffinswell, Devonshire, England. This leads to speculation since Thomas was known as "The Goodman Burgess" in early New England records. Noted events in his life were: He signed a will on Apr 4, 1684 in Sandwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Anecdote: May 22, 1651, Sandwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. The original deed for the Sandwich plantation was executed by Governor William Bradford 22 May 1651. It was ordered that four men: Goodman (Thomas) Tupper, Goodman (Thomas) Burgess, Senr., Nathaniel Willis, and William Gifford "shall have power to call a town meeting." He had an estate probated on Mar 5, 1685. His grave was honored by a monumental slab imported from England. "This was the only monument set up for any Pilgrim of the first generation." (Otis) The stones of Thomas and Dorothy were restored by descendants in 1917 and in 1994 were called "marvelouly legible." The cemetery is situated almost directly across the mill pond from the Thornton W. Burgess (Jr.) Museum."
David K. Conover, 9068 Crystal Vista Lane, West Jordan, UT 84088 ( shared Oct 15, 2003: "He left a will on April 4, 1684. THOMAS BURGESS of Sandwich, Massachusetts Will dated 4 April 1684, proved 5 March 1684/85 Copied from Winifred Lovering Holman, S.B., FASG manuscript prepared for Mrs. Farnsworth Loomis, 1957-58, in the library of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Mass. The will, differing slightly, may also be found in Rev. Ebenezer Burgess' 'Burgess Genealogy: Memorial of the family of Thomas and Dorothy Burgess, who were settled at Sandwich, in the Plymouth Colony, in 1637' (Boston: Press of T. R. Marvin & Son, 1865), p. 12. Dr. Ebenezer Burgess included the notation, 'Orthography slightly amended.' Dr. Barey Hovey, in his book, copied from Dr. Ebenezer Burgess and added, 'The compiler has searched in vain for the original document, in the hope of here presenting a photostatic copy. He fails to see any advantage in altering its orthography, for which, in those days, there were no established rules; in fact, a variety of spelling was considered by some a mark of literary skill. The purpose of any document is to convey its intent in unmistakable terms, and in this respect the will of Thomas Burgess compares most favorably with present-day documents, many of which are so encumbered with complicated legal phrases that their interpretation would defy the wisdom of Socrates.' Mrs. Holman, who preserved the original orthography, noted that the original will is no longer extant and added 'This seems to be an imperfect copy; it is from the official copies of the Plymouth Colony Wills, Mass. Archives, made from the volumes on file at Plymouth, Mass. The Rev. Ebenezer Burgess in his book on the family may have used the copy in the volumes at Plymouth.' Superscript characters are enclosed in square brackets ([text]). 'I Thomas Burg Sen[r] of Sandwich being through gods goodness full of years & waiting for my Chang, & yet haveing my understanding remaining with me blessed be god, and also through gods great goodness as possessed of a competent outward estate & doe now upon serious Consideration make this my last will & testament touching y[e] disposall of my estate & after my dear wife & selfe be decently buried & all necessary charges defraid & debts paid y[e] remaining part I give as followeth It I give unto my Eldest son Thomas Burg of Rhode Iland five pounds out of my moveable estate to be paid by my execuktors after our decease. It I give unto my son Jacob Burg upon good Considerations all my house lott dwelling house barn & out housing all my upland on both sides y[e] cart way all that belongs to my home dwelling. I also give him all my meadow that I have lying below Michaell Blackwell his dwelling house on both sides scussitt River for him my s[d] son Jacob Burg to enjoy use & posses during his natural life & after his decease I give y[e] said housing my dwelling house Barne & all y[e] fore mentioned lands both upland and meadow to his son Thomas Burg my grandson to him & his heirs for ever but if my s[d] grandson dye without heirs then my will is y[t] y[e] s[d] house & lands above mentioned shall return to y[e] next heir of my son Jacob Burg his body: I also give my s[d] son Jacob Burg all that my land lying neer & adiacent to Thomas Tupper his lands below y[e] Cart way: haveing M[r] freeman his land upon y[e] wester side, I give to him upon this condition that he my sd son Jacob Burg pay or cause to be paid unto my grand son Thomas Burg son of John Burg my son ten pounds in good pay to be made to him my Grand son at twenty & three years of age. It I give unto my son Joseph Burg y[e] first & second lott that lyes adioyning to his other lands near his house if my sd son accepts of it so as to pay unto my son John Burg five pounds but if my son Joseph refuse sd land upon such termes: as to pay sd five pounds as aforesd, then my will is that sd land returne to my son Ezra perry and he to performe ye Condition: I onely meane by two lotts those lotts that were once [ blank ] then I give them I give my sd son Ezra Perry all my other lands that lyes above y[e] sd two lotts for him to inioy for ever y[e] which land I bought of M[r] Edward ffreeman Juni[r]: Item I give my dear wife all my moveable estate to be at her owne disposing at her decease & I meane Cattle of all sorts that I have And I doe appoint & ordaine my son Ezra Perry & my son Jacob Burg to be my Executors to see this my last will performed as I witnes my hand & seal this fourth day of Aprill 1684. Thomas Burg his T mark (seal) Witness Thomas Tupper Martha Tupper Martha Tupper made his(?) oath to this will this 2[th] day of March 1684-5 before y[e] Governo[r] and M[r] John Thatcher Assist.' Thomas was on the list of those 'age 16-60, liable to bear arms.' Plymouth Colony Deeds. 29, [37] 1652 BRADFORD GOVNR Witnesseth these prsents that wheras Miles Standish by order was appointed to satisfy an Indian whose name is called Josiah Dwelling at Nawsett for a smale Tract of Land lying att Manomett and graunted to Thomas Burgis senior of Sandwidge the which said tract of land the aforsaid Josiah the Indian hath barganed and sold unto the aforsaid Miles Standish in the behalfe of the said Thomas Burgis to him and his heires forever; . . . Witnesse his hand this third of March 1652 This sale was acknowlidged before Mr Bradford Govr by both pties the Day and yeare above written; Witnesseth These prsents That Thomas Burgis of Sandwidge hath absolutly barganed and sold to ffrancis Allen of Sandwidge to him and heires for ever a pcell or tract of land being within a ffence which said upland I the said Thomas Burgis senr bought of Thomas Boardman. as also a pcell of meadow bought of the said Thomas Boardman as aforsaid this meadow bounded with 2 Creekes lying before or Joyning to the aforsaid upland to the said ffrancis Allen to have and to hold to him and his heires forever; This Bargane and sale acknowlidged by Thomas Burgis senir and Dorathy his wife this 5t of Aprill 1654 before mee Myles Standish The Marke of Tho T Burgis. LAND: NEHGR9:313; NOTE: [THOMAS BURGE, SR., TO EZRA PERRY] [p. 122] 1663 Prence Govr: The 10th of July 1663 Memorand: That Thomas Burge senr of the Towne of Sandwich in in the jurisdiction of Plymouth in New England plantor Doth acknowlidg that for and in Consideration of a valluable sume; to him already payed by his son in law Named Esra Perrey of the Towne aforsaid in the Jurisdiction aforsaid plantor; hee hath bargained and sold enfeofed and Confeilmed and by these prsents Doth bargaine allianate sell enfeof and Confeirme unto the said Esra Perrey the one halfe of a Certaine tract of land lying and being att a place Called Mannomett in the Jurisdiction aforsaid; which said Tract of land was purchased by Captaine Standish by the appointment of the Court of Josias of Nausett an Indian Sachem; in the behalfe of the said Thomas Burge as appeers by a Deed bearing Date the third Day of march Anno Dom 1652. LAND: NEHGR9:313 ; NOTE: That Thomas Burgis of Sandwidge hath absolutly barganed and sold to ffrancis Allen of Sandwidge to him and heires for ever a pcell or tract of land being within a ffence which said upland I the said Thomas Burgis senr bought of Thomas Boardman. as also a pcell of meadow bought of the said Thomas Boardman as aforsaid this meadow bounded with 2 Creekes lying before or Joyning to the aforsaid upland to the said ffrancis Allen to have and to hold to him and his heires forever; This Bargane and sale acknowlidged by Thomas Burgis senir and Dorathy his wife this 5t of Aprill 1654 before mee Myles Standish The Marke of Tho T Burgis. Subject: [BURGESS] Thomas BURGESS father of Elizabeth b.c. 1631 MA; 29 Aug 2000, from: Dean Burgess
- - - - - - - - - - - -
See and Katharine W. Hiam, "Burgess Genealogy - Descendants of the Four Sons of Thomas Burgess and Dorothy (Waynes) Burgess"(Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1997), p 118.
_Henry COBB _________________+ | (1605 - 1679) m 1632 _James COBB _________|_Patience HURST _____________ | (1634 - 1695) m 1663 _James COBB __________________| | (1673 - 1757) m 1695 | | | _George (Lewes or) LEWIS ____+ | | | (1600 - 1663) | |_Sarah LEWIS ________|_Mary, wife of George LEWIS _ | (1643 - 1735) m 1663 _Elisha COBB ________| | (1702 - 1752) m 1724| | | _Andrew (Sr.) HALLETT _______+ | | | (.... - 1648) | | _Joseph HALLETT _____|_____________________________ | | | (1630 - 1721) m 1666 | |_Elizabeth Katherine HALLETT _| | (1679 - 1759) m 1695 | | | _John GORHAM ________________+ | | | (.... - 1676) m 1643 | |_Elizabeth GORHAM ___|_Desire HOWLAND _____________ | (1648 - 1683) m 1666 (1627 - 1683) _Elisha COBB ________| | (1736 - 1794) m 1760| | | _____________________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________________ | | | | | ______________________________| | | | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________________ | | | | |_Mary HARDING _______| | (1707 - 1737) m 1724| | | _____________________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________________ | | | | |______________________________| | | | | _____________________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________________ | | |--Ezekiel COBB | (1764 - 1816) | _____________________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________________ | | | ______________________________| | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | | _____________________|_____________________________ | | | | | | |______________________________| | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________________ | | |_Elizabeth MURCH ____| (1739 - 1798) m 1760| | _____________________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________________ | | | ______________________________| | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________________ | | |______________________________| | | _____________________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________________
[48798] Elekiel and Mary and this line are from the unverified file 27QD-RK6 in
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Philip DELANO ______| | | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | | __| | | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | |__|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Thomas DELANO | (1642 - 1723) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | __|__ | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Hesther DEWSBURY ___| (1613 - ....) | | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |__| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
[39774] Thomas' information and wife are from the unverified file at in 2015. The unverified file LYDZ-BVT in offers: "When Dr. Thomas Delano was born on 21 March 1642, in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America, his father, Philippe De Lannoy - Delano, was 38 and his mother, Hester Dewsbury, was 29. He married Rebecca Alden on 30 October 1667, in Duxbury, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. They were the parents of at least 5 sons and 5 daughters. He died on 13 April 1723, in his hometown, at the age of 81, and was buried in Myles Standish Burying Ground, Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States."
[55374] Finnd A Grave memorial 88212262 offers Ira's obituary: "Milbridge - Ira W. Fickett, 82, died May 2, 2000, at an Ellsworth health-care facility. He was born in Columbia June 14, 1917, the son of Burnard and Abbie Fickett. He was a woodsman all his life and spent his summers blueberrying. Ira was a great dog lover and a great gardener who grew the very best of potatoes. He is survived by his [step-]daughter, Lucille Kelley and her husband, Walter, of Salisbury Cove; two sisters, Jennie Dyment of Michigan and Irma Holland of Steuben; two brothers, Earl of Milbridge and Alvah of Cherryfield; two half-brothers, Burnard Jr. of Addison and Irving of Bangor; one half-sister, Joan of Bangor; one granddaughter, Sharyn Farrin of Ellsworth; a grandson, Dennis Kelley of Tremont; several other grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his wife of 53 years, Doris (Linscott) Fickett in 1992; a [step-]son, Alfred 'Sonny' Leighton Jr. in 1993; a granddaughter, Lori Jo Kelley in 1999 and two step-grandchildren; three brothers, Arnold, Nathaniel and Drew; one sister, Dora Roy, and two infant brothers."
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | ______________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _George Leo HUSTON __| | (1911 - 1966) m 1934| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |______________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Larry Paul HUSTON ___| | (1937 - 2007) | | | _William ARNOLD _____+ | | | (1832 - 1894) m 1853 | | _Gideon Levi ARNOLD _|_Mary M. BUCHER _____ | | | (1860 - 1920) m 1881 (1835 - 1890) | | _Lloyd Lessel ARNOLD _| | | | (1894 - 1970) m 1915 | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | | |_Anna Bell COOVER ___|_____________________ | | | (1865 - 1948) m 1881 | |_Oris Opal ARNOLD ___| | (1916 - 2013) m 1934| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_June Valetta CLARK __| | (1897 - 1955) m 1915 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Sharon Lee HUSTON | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | | |______________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Joan Laurine MEYERS _| | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |______________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[7859] living - details excluded
_Robert KINGSMAN ____+ | (1572 - 1647) _Robert KINSMAN _____|_____________________ | (1603 - 1664) _Robert KINSMAN _____| | (1629 - 1712) m 1652| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Joseph KINSMAN _____| | (1673 - 1741) | | | _Thomas BOREMAN _____+ | | | (1570 - ....) m 1595 | | _Thomas BOREMAN _____|_Elizabeth CARTER ___ | | | (.... - 1679) m 1630 | |_Mary BOREMAN _______| | (1631 - ....) m 1652| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Margaret OFFING ____|_____________________ | (1610 - 1679) m 1630 _Nathaniel KINSMAN __| | (1714 - 1797) m 1741| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Robert DUTCH _______|_____________________ | | | (1623 - 1686) | | _John DUTCH _________| | | | (1646 - 1685) | | | | | _Richard KIMBALL ____ | | | | | (1595 - 1675) m 1615 | | | |_Mary KIMBALL _______|_Ursula SCOTT _______ | | | (.... - 1686) (1596 - 1676) | |_Susanna DUTCH ______| | (1675 - 1734) | | | _John ROPER _________ | | | (1588 - 1644) | | _Walter ROPER _______|_____________________ | | | (1614 - 1680) | |_Elizabeth ROPER ____| | (.... - 1692) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Anna KINSMAN | (1743 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | _Andrew ROBINSON ____| | | m 1704 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Anna ROBINSON ______| m 1741 | | _Richard INGERSOLL __+ | | (.... - 1644) m 1611 | _George INGERSOLL ___|_Ann LANGLEY ________ | | (.... - 1694) (1595 - 1677) | _Samuel INGERSOLL ___| | | (1653 - 1732) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Rebecca INGERSOL ___| (1691 - 1743) m 1704| | _____________________ | | | _Joel MADDIVER ______|_____________________ | | (1640 - 1703) |_Judith MADDIVER ____| (1666 - 1711) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[16673] Anna m. (1) John Hopkinson and (2) ________ Kent.
[38770] This person is from the unverified Stiles:Daggett Family tree in in 2015 which states Anne is daughter of Richard Leech and Anne Yate.
_William LIGHTNER ___________+ | (1821 - 1875) _Jacob LIGHTNER ________________|_Francis ("Fanny") SHAEFFER _ | (1852 - 1911) m 1876 (1824 - 1887) _George Roy LIGHTNER _| | (1882 - 1953) m 1903 | | | _____________________________ | | | | |_Katherine E. ("Katie") WEAVER _|_____________________________ | (1859 - 1910) m 1876 _Albert Austin LIGHTNER _| | (1905 - 1975) m 1925 | | | _Edward HULL ________________ | | | (1833 - 1902) m 1856 | | _John Calvin HULL ______________|_Catharine WORMLEY __________ | | | (1857 - 1942) m 1879 (1828 - 1906) | |_Tracie Alice HULL ___| | (1883 - 1972) m 1903 | | | _____________________________ | | | | |_Ida A. MOYER __________________|_____________________________ | (1859 - 1887) m 1879 _Albert Ellis LIGHTNER ____| | (1926 - 1999) m 1946 | | | _____________________________ | | | | | ________________________________|_____________________________ | | | | | ______________________| | | | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | | | |________________________________|_____________________________ | | | | |_Freida W. BUPP _________| | (1907 - 1982) m 1925 | | | _____________________________ | | | | | ________________________________|_____________________________ | | | | |______________________| | | | | _____________________________ | | | | |________________________________|_____________________________ | | |--Mark Steven LIGHTNER | | _____________________________ | | | ________________________________|_____________________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | |________________________________|_____________________________ | | | _________________________| | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | | ________________________________|_____________________________ | | | | | | |______________________| | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | |________________________________|_____________________________ | | |_Eunice Gertrude FOGLEMAN _| (1928 - 1995) m 1946 | | _____________________________ | | | ________________________________|_____________________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | |________________________________|_____________________________ | | |_________________________| | | _____________________________ | | | ________________________________|_____________________________ | | |______________________| | | _____________________________ | | |________________________________|_____________________________
[9365] living - details excluded
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _John TAPLEY ________| | (1638 - 1693) m 1663| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Samuel TAPLEY ______| | (1683 - 1710) m 1703| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | | __| | | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | |__|__ | | | | |_Elizabeth PRIDE ____| | m 1663 | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Samuel TAPLEY | (1707 - 1756) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | __|__ | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Elizabeth VEALY ____| (1685 - 1710) m 1703| | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
[54631] The nverified fiel KNHX-RWS in offers: "When Samuel Tapley was born about 1705, in Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America, his father, Samuel Tapley, was 23 and his mother, Elizabeth Vealy, was 21. He married Abiel Goodhall on 18 July 1738. They were the parents of at least 2 sons and 1 daughter. He died on 17 October 1756, at the age of 52.
____________________________ | _____________________|____________________________ | _____________________| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_____________________|____________________________ | _________________________| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | _____________________|____________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_____________________|____________________________ | _James VAUGHN _______| | (1880 - 1970) m 1900| | | ____________________________ | | | | | _____________________|____________________________ | | | | | _____________________| | | | | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|____________________________ | | | | |_________________________| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | _____________________|____________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_____________________|____________________________ | | |--George VAUGHN | (1907 - ....) | ____________________________ | | | _____________________|____________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|____________________________ | | | _George Washington KING _| | | (1858 - 1953) m 1878 | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | | _____________________|____________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________| | | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|____________________________ | | |_Molly KING _________| (1878 - ....) m 1900| | _Andreas GEIST _____________+ | | (1755 - 1849) | _Andreas GEIST ______|_Maria Catharina SCHNEIDER _ | | (1801 - 1878) (1778 - 1859) | _Elias H. GEIST _____| | | (1823 - 1899) | | | | _Christopher HEPLER ________+ | | | | (1777 - 1847) m 1799 | | |_Magdalena HEPLER ___|_Catherine WAGNER __________ | | (1803 - 1869) (1780 - 1855) |_Sarah GEIST ____________| (1851 - 1929) m 1878 | | ____________________________ | | | _Philip REED ________|____________________________ | | (1795 - 1869) |_Catherine REED _____| (1828 - 1892) | | _Mathias VAN KIRK __________+ | | (.... - 1838) |_Elizabeth VAN KIRK _|____________________________ (1797 - 1860)
[33639] See,_Count_of_Württemberg.
[46563] Griffith and Mary with son Morgan are in the 7 June 1920 federal census in Scranton, Lackawanna Co., PA which states Griffith (age 63) was born in Wales and emigrated to the USA in 1863, and Mary (age 53) was born in England and emigrated to the USA in 1886. Griffith, then residing in Olyphant, Lackawanna Co., PA, recieved 5 February 1901 U. S. patent 667,277 for a feed head for drilling machines. A resident of Peckville, Lackawanna Co., PA he received 19 March 1907 patent 847,450 for a similar application. He had previously on 12 May 1896 received patent 560,117 for a toe-weight for horse shoes. His obituary is in "The Tribune [Scranton, PA], 3 January 1934".