___________________________________________ | _Hucbald (or Hucbold) GOUY _______________|___________________________________________ | _Raoul ("Ralph") DE GOUY ___| | (.... - 0936) | | | _Eberhard, Count of FRIULI ________________+ | | | (.... - 0864) | |_Helwise of FRIULI _______________________|_Gisèle of FRANCE ________________________ | (.... - 0936) (0820 - 0874) _Gauthier I of VEXINTAMIENS _| | (.... - 0987) | | | _Baldwin II "The Bald", Count of FLANDERS _+ | | | (0865 - 0919) m 0884 | | _Arnulf I "The Elder", Count of FLANDERS _|_Lady Alfrith (or Elfrida) of ENGLAND _____ | | | (0890 - 0966) m 0934 (.... - 0929) | |_Hildegarde of FLANDERS ____| | | | | _Herbert II, Count of VERMANDOIS __________+ | | | (.... - 0943) | |_Alix DE VERMANDOIS ______________________|_Liegarde of FRANCE _______________________ | (.... - 0960) m 0934 (0895 - 0931) _Gauthier II, Count of VEXINTAMIENS _| | (.... - 1027) | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | __________________________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | | _Landry, Count of BREUX ____| | | | | | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | | | |__________________________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | |_Eve of BREUX _______________| | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | __________________________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | |____________________________| | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | |__________________________________________|___________________________________________ | | |--Dreux, Count of AMIENS | (.... - 1035) | _Bernard of Lombardy, King of ITALY _______+ | | (0797 - 0818) | _Pepin of VERMANDOIS _____________________|_Cunigunde of GELLONE _____________________ | | (0817 - ....) (0800 - 0835) | _Pepin II, Count of SENLIS _| | | (.... - 0922) | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | |__________________________________________|___________________________________________ | | | _Berhard, Count of SENLIS ___| | | | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | | __________________________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | | | |____________________________| | | | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | |__________________________________________|___________________________________________ | | |_Adela of SENLIS ____________________| | | ___________________________________________ | | | __________________________________________|___________________________________________ | | | ____________________________| | | | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | |__________________________________________|___________________________________________ | | |_____________________________| | | ___________________________________________ | | | __________________________________________|___________________________________________ | | |____________________________| | | ___________________________________________ | | |__________________________________________|___________________________________________
[3978] See "Medieval English Ancestors of Certain Americans," Carl Boyer III (Santa Clarita, CA, 2001), p. 80. Drogo was Count of Vexin, Nantes, Pontoise, Chaumont, etc. His wife is Godfrica d'Angel and Amiens. He is the same Drogo, Count of the Vexin, d. 1057, given as m. Godgifu (d. 1055, dau. of King Aethelred II of England and wife Emma, dau. of Duke Richard I of Normandy) per "Ancestral Roots..." (Balt., 1992) 250-21. Amiens is capital of the department of Somme, on the left bank of the river Somme, 81 miles north of Paris. The site was "Samarobriva," capital of the Ambiani, and place where St. Firmin (its first bishop) preached in the 4th century. https://familysearch.org/photos/artifacts/20553497 offers: "A pre-Conquest Earldom of Hereford has been assigned to Ralph, son of Dreux, Count of the Vexin, by Goda, sister of Edward the Confessor, but he is first credited with an Earldom of Worcester prior to 1049. On the landing of Eustace, Count of Boulogne, "Earl Ralph" is stated to have been one of those who brought assistance 'de suo comitatu', but it is not by any means clear what is intended by 'comitatu'. When the great earldom of Swein was confiscated and broken up, Ralph is presumed to have received Herefordshire, and to have been Earl of Hereford when he opposed Aelfgar's forces in 1055. According to Hoveden, he met the enemy 2 miles from Hereford and shortly after the battle fled from the field with his French and Norman followers, leaving Hereford to be sacked and burnt. He d. 21 Dec 1057, and was buried in Peterborough Abbey. [Complete Peerage VI:446-7] ------ RALPH, 2nd son of Dreux and Godgifu. He held Sudeley and Toddington, co. Gloucester, and Chilvers Coton, co. Warwick, T.R.E. In 1051, when Godwine, Earl of Kent, rebelled and collected an army at Tetbury, Leofric, Earl of Mercia, and Siward, Earl of Northumbria, went to the aid of the King at Gloucester, and Radulfus comes . . . de juo comitatu quot potuit congregavit. In the same year, he and Odda, Earl of Devon and Somerset, were appointed by the King to command the fleet. In 1055 he was sent with a numerous army to protect Hereford against Alfgar, the rebel Earl of Chester, and Griffin, his Welsh ally; but he and his horsemen fled before the battle was effectively joined, and Hereford was burnt by the Welsh. He married Getha. He died 21 December 1057 and was buried at Peterborough. [Complete Peerage XII/1:411-2, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)] Ralph de Sudeley , Earl of Hereford Name: Ralf de Mantes , Earl of Hereford Caveat emptor: Dugdale below calls his father "Walter de Maunt". I don't think Walter (in French, Gautier/Gauthier} & Dreux are interchangeable. Of this County [Hereford], Raphe, Son to Walter de Maunt, by Goda, Sister to King Edward the Confessor, was Earl in the same King Edwards time; of whom, I find only these particulars memorable, viz. That in the year 1051. he raised what Forces he could in this his County, and joyned with Leofric, Earl of Mercia, and Siward Earl of Northumberland, against Godwyne, Earl of Kent, then Rebelliously in Arms against King Edward the Confessor. After this, he, together with Earl Odo (both Kinsmen to that King) was made Admiral of above Fifty Ships, which were sent against Harold, and those other his Complices, that then infested the Coast with Piracies. But in the year 1055. when Algar, Earl of Mercia, who was banished, and joyning with Griffin, Prince of Wales, entered Herefordshire with an Army. This Earl Raphe, having raised what power he could to oppose them; and commanding the English to fight on Horsback, contrary to their usual course, when he should have made the onset; he was the first, who with the French and Normans, ran away, which caused the total loss of that Battle. By means whereof, the city of Herford, and the whole Countrey thereabouts were exposed to the mercy of those Rebels. This was on the Nineth Calends of November, the same year. [Ref: Dugdale, Baronage of England, 1675, reprinted by Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim & New York, 1977; Earls of Hereford, p. 21]"
[14982] Find A Grave Memorial 6842676 offers: "Daughter of Abel and Sarah (Clark) Bidelow. Married Hugh Malcolm 26 Nov 1822 in Ontario, Canada, and James Markle 1 Mar 1830 in Brant Co., Ontario."
"The History and Genealogy of the Malcolm Family..."
"The History and Genealogy of the Malcolm Family..."
________________________________ | ________________________________|________________________________ | _Uriah BOUCHER ___________________| | (1818 - 1873) m 1843 | | | ________________________________ | | | | |________________________________|________________________________ | _Leaman Lewis BOUCHER _| | (1859 - 1935) m 1881 | | | ________________________________ | | | | | _Jacob SMITH ___________________|________________________________ | | | | |_Amanda Calista ("Clista") SMITH _| | (1827 - 1916) m 1843 | | | _Andrew Herman (Sr.) STEINHOFF _+ | | | (1773 - 1816) | |_Catherine ("Katie") STEINHOFF _|_Janet (Jennie) MALCOLM ________ | (.... - 1852) (1782 - ....) _James Alexander ("Jimmy") BOUCHER _| | (1885 - 1965) m 1909 | | | ________________________________ | | | | | ________________________________|________________________________ | | | | | __________________________________| | | | | | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | | | |________________________________|________________________________ | | | | |_Mary Jane THOMAS _____| | (1857 - 1949) m 1881 | | | ________________________________ | | | | | ________________________________|________________________________ | | | | |__________________________________| | | | | ________________________________ | | | | |________________________________|________________________________ | | |--Walter James BOUCHER | (1916 - 2007) | ________________________________ | | | ________________________________|________________________________ | | | __________________________________| | | | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | |________________________________|________________________________ | | | _Isaac Henry DAVIS ____| | | (1850 - 1931) m 1880 | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | | ________________________________|________________________________ | | | | | | |__________________________________| | | | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | |________________________________|________________________________ | | |_Mabel Elizabeth DAVIS _____________| (1890 - 1982) m 1909 | | ________________________________ | | | _John PATCHETT _________________|________________________________ | | (.... - 1877) m 1809 | _Enoc Edward PATCHETT ____________| | | (1825 - 1907) m 1848 | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | |_Lucy HAW ______________________|________________________________ | | (1792 - 1861) m 1809 |_Sophia Jane PATCHETT _| (1859 - ....) m 1880 | | ________________________________ | | | ________________________________|________________________________ | | |_Mary Amelia CARR ________________| (1824 - 1906) m 1848 | | ________________________________ | | |________________________________|________________________________
[18219] Walter also m. about 1989 Mary _____ of Wallaceburg, Ontario (she d. 1990).
____________________________________________ | _Alexander KARADJORDJEVIC ___________________________________|____________________________________________ | (1806 - 1885) m 1830 _Peter I, King of SERBIA _________________| | (1844 - 1921) | | | ____________________________________________ | | | | |_Persida NENADOVIC __________________________________________|____________________________________________ | (1813 - 1873) m 1830 _Alexander I, King of YUGOSLAVIA _| | (1888 - 1934) m 1922 | | | ____________________________________________ | | | | | _____________________________________________________________|____________________________________________ | | | | |_Ljubica (Zorka) of MONTENEGRO ___________| | (1864 - 1890) | | | ____________________________________________ | | | | |_____________________________________________________________|____________________________________________ | _Andrej of YUGOSLAVIA _____| | (1929 - 1990) | | | _Charles Anthony HOHENZOLLERN ______________+ | | | (1811 - 1885) m 1834 | | _Leopold of HOHENZOLLERN ____________________________________|_Josephine Zahringen of BADEN ______________ | | | (1835 - 1905) (1813 - 1900) | | _Ferdinand I Sigmaringen of HOHENZOLLERN _| | | | (1865 - 1927) m 1893 | | | | | _Ferdinand DE SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA ____________+ | | | | | (1816 - 1885) m 1836 | | | |_Antonia of PORTUGAL ________________________________________|_Maria II da GLORIA ________________________ | | | (1845 - 1913) (1819 - 1853) | |_Marie ("Mignon") HOHENZOLLERN ___| | (1900 - 1961) m 1922 | | | _Albert Augustus, Prince of SAXE-COBURG ____+ | | | (1819 - 1861) m 1840 | | _Alfred Ernest Albert of SAXE-COBURG ________________________|_Victoria Hanover, Queen of Great BRITAIN __ | | | (1844 - 1900) m 1874 (1819 - 1901) | |_Marie of Saxe-Cobury And GOTHA __________| | (1875 - 1938) m 1893 | | | _Alexander II Nicholoevich ROMANOV _________+ | | | (1818 - 1881) m 1841 | |_Marie Alexandrovna ROMANOV _________________________________|_Marie of HESSE-DARMSTADT __________________ | (1853 - 1920) m 1874 (1824 - 1880) | |--Dimitrye K. GEORGE | | _Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Emich of LEININGEN _+ | | (1804 - 1856) m 1829 | _Ernst Leopold Victor Carl August Joseph Emich of LEININGEN _|_Maria KLEBELSBERG _________________________ | | (1830 - 1904) m 1858 (1806 - 1880) | _Emich of LEININGEN ______________________| | | (1866 - 1939) m 1894 | | | | _Karl Leopold Friedrich of BADEN ___________+ | | | | (1790 - 1852) m 1819 | | |_Marie of BADEN _____________________________________________|_Sophie Wilhelmine of SWEDEN _______________ | | (1834 - 1899) m 1858 (1801 - 1865) | _Friedrich Karl of LEININGEN _____| | | (1898 - 1946) m 1925 | | | | ____________________________________________ | | | | | | | _____________________________________________________________|____________________________________________ | | | | | | |_Feodore of HOHENLOHE-LANGENBURG _________| | | (1866 - 1932) m 1894 | | | | ____________________________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________________________________________________|____________________________________________ | | |_Kira Melita of LEININGEN _| | | _Alexander II Nicholoevich ROMANOV _________+ | | (1818 - 1881) m 1841 | _Vladimir Alexandrovich ROMANOV _____________________________|_Marie of HESSE-DARMSTADT __________________ | | (1847 - 1909) m 1874 (1824 - 1880) | _Cyril Vladimirovitch ROMANOV ____________| | | (1876 - 1938) m 1905 | | | | ____________________________________________ | | | | | | |_Maria PAVLOVNA _____________________________________________|____________________________________________ | | (1854 - 1920) m 1874 |_Maria of RUSSIA _________________| (1907 - 1951) m 1925 | | _Albert Augustus, Prince of SAXE-COBURG ____+ | | (1819 - 1861) m 1840 | _Alfred Ernest Albert of SAXE-COBURG ________________________|_Victoria Hanover, Queen of Great BRITAIN __ | | (1844 - 1900) m 1874 (1819 - 1901) |_Victoria Melita of EDINBURG _____________| (1876 - 1936) m 1905 | | _Alexander II Nicholoevich ROMANOV _________+ | | (1818 - 1881) m 1841 |_Marie Alexandrovna ROMANOV _________________________________|_Marie of HESSE-DARMSTADT __________________ (1853 - 1920) m 1874 (1824 - 1880)
[11057] living - details excluded
_Reuben (Sr.) GRAY __+ | (1743 - 1832) m 1763 _Reuben (Jr.) GRAY ___________|_Abigail BLACK ______ | (1762 - 1858) (1743 - 1820) _Solomon GRAY _________| | (1783 - 1873) m 1806 | | | _Andrew HERRICK _____+ | | | (1743 - 1812) | |_Sarah Goodwin HERRICK _______|_Sarah GOODWIN ______ | (1766 - 1846) (1746 - 1775) _Thomas Jefferson GRAY ______| | (1807 - 1893) m 1828 | | | _____________________ | | | | | ______________________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Betsy Black FREETHY __| | (1784 - 1873) m 1806 | | | _____________________ | | | | |______________________________|_____________________ | _Augustus Leander GRAY _| | (1848 - 1930) m 1866 | | | _Joshua GRAY ________+ | | | (1714 - ....) m 1736 | | _Reuben (Sr.) GRAY ___________|_Jennat ELLIOT ______ | | | (1743 - 1832) m 1763 | | _Abner Alonzo GRAY ____| | | | (1781 - 1865) m 1805 | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | | |_Abigail BLACK _______________|_____________________ | | | (1743 - 1820) m 1763 | |_Charlotte McKenzie GRAY ____| | (1811 - 1908) m 1828 | | | _____________________ | | | | | ______________________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Lucy Billings HOWARD _| | (.... - 1879) m 1805 | | | _____________________ | | | | |______________________________|_____________________ | | |--Russell Elroy GREY | (1873 - 1947) | _____________________ | | | _Seth BLODGETT _______________|_____________________ | | (1747 - 1817) m 1774 | _William BLODGETT _____| | | (1779 - 1852) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Lucy JOHNSON ________________|_____________________ | | (1752 - ....) m 1774 | _Robert Johnson BLODGETT ____| | | (1819 - 1901) m 1846 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | ______________________________|_____________________ | | | | | | |_Dorothy ROBERTS ______| | | (1785 - 1856) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |______________________________|_____________________ | | |_Alma J. BLODGETT ______| (1849 - 1919) m 1866 | | _John GRINDLE _______+ | | (.... - 1794) | _William Bruce (Sr.) GRINDLE _|_Elizabeth DORR _____ | | (1749 - 1820) m 1779 | _Richard GRINDLE ______| | | (1798 - 1852) | | | | _Ezra HOWARD ________+ | | | | (1725 - ....) | | |_Eunice HOWARD _______________|_Mary COLBY _________ | | (1761 - ....) m 1779 (1735 - ....) |_Eliza Jane Nichols GRINDLE _| (1822 - 1902) m 1846 | | _Joshua GRINDLE _____+ | | (.... - 1819) m 1789 | _Joshua F. GRINDLE ___________|_Anna LOWELL ________ | | (1778 - 1852) (1746 - 1819) |_Anna Lowell GRINDLE __| (1802 - 1869) | | _____________________ | | |_Ruth STANLEY ________________|_____________________ (1786 - 1848)
[50665] Russell changed his surname from Gary to Grey.
[35934] Sarah is daughter of Isaac LaRue (b. 1712 in NJ, d. in March, 1795) and wife Phebe Carmen (1725-1804), both buried in Old Buck Marsh Cemetery, Berryville, Clarke Co., VA - see FindAGrave Memorial 7931346. Ancestry.com offers: "Larue Name Meaning - French: topographic name for someone who lived beside a road, track, or pathway, Old French rue (Latin ruga 'crease', 'fold'), with the definite article la."
_Richard OGLE _______+ | (.... - 1252) _Sir Thomas OGLE ______|_____________________ | (1219 - 1270) _Sir John OGLE ______| | (1264 - 1316) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | _Sir Robert OGLE ____| | (.... - 1368) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _Sir Walter SELBY _____|_____________________ | | | | |_Annabella SELBY ____| | (1274 - 1320) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | _Sir Robert OGLE ____| | (1306 - 1362) m 1331| | | _Richard DE GUBION __+ | | | | | _Hugh DE GUBION _______|_Agnes MERLAY _______ | | | (.... - 1275) (.... - 1230) | | _Sir Hugh GUBIUM ____| | | | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Margaret GUBIUM ____| | | | | _____________________ | | | | | _Nigel MORRELL ________|_____________________ | | | | |_Joan MORRELL _______| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | | |--Sir Robert OGLE | (.... - 1355) | _____________________ | | | _______________________|_____________________ | | | _Robert HEPPLE ______| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | | | _Sir Robert HEPPLE __| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | _Sir Richard CHARTNEY _|_____________________ | | | | | | |_Margaret CHARTNEY __| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | | |_Joan HEPPLE ________| (1310 - 1364) m 1331| | _____________________ | | | _______________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | | _______________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_______________________|_____________________
http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/OGLE.htm#Robert%20OGLE%20(B.%20Bothal)1 states Baron Robert Ogle of Bothal d. in Nov 1375 at Berwick Castle. http://www.maslandtech.com/familytree/np452.htm#iin6863 offers in 2003: Robert "son and heir apparent by 1st wife. As 'donsel' of the diocese of Durham he had licence to choose a confessor, August 1349. In August 1351 he was attorney for his father to take seisin of Thirnham. He married Ellen, daughter and heir of Sir Robert BERTRAM, of Bothal, chivaler, by his 1st wife, Margaret (living in May 1341), daughter and coheir of Constance, wife of William DE FELTON. He died v.p., being slain in the attack on Berwick, November 1355. His widow married, 2ndlly, before 25 October 1364, John DE HATFIELD, citizen and pepperer of London, who was living in 1368, and died before 15 May 1373. She married, 3rdly, before 28 June 1377, David DE HOLGRAVE, sometime the King's esquire. She died 24 September 1403. David de Holgrave died 9 June 1405. [CP 10:26]" Cf. http://oglekin.org/Ahnentafel/Chart-uk/geneuk01.htm.