_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _Giles BULTEEL ______| | (1564 - 1603) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _James BULTEEL ______| | (1590 - 1632) m 1613| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Mary BROUTIN _______| | (1566 - 1611) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Samuel BULTEEL _____| | (1616 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | _John PEARD _________| | | | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Julyan PEARD _______| | (.... - 1631) m 1613| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Nicholas BERRY _____|_____________________ | | | | |_Julyan BERRY _______| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth BRUDWELL _|_____________________ | | |--Samuel BULTEEL | (1640 - 1682) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _George KEKEWICH ____| | | (1556 - 1611) m 1634| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | _William KEKEWICH ___| | | (1595 - ....) m 1613| | | | _Francis BULLER _____+ | | | | (1545 - 1616) m 1573 | | | _Richard BULLER _____|_Thomasine WILLIAMS _ | | | | (1578 - 1642) m 1599 (1550 - 1627) | | |_Alice BULLER _______| | | (1615 - 1645) m 1634| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Alice HAYWARD ______|_____________________ | | (1579 - 1647) m 1599 |_Jane KEKEWICH ______| (1620 - 1662) | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Jane COODE _________| (1596 - 1668) m 1613| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_______________________________ | _______________________|_______________________________ | _______________________| | | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_______________________|_______________________________ | _________________________________| | | | | _______________________________ | | | | | _______________________|_______________________________ | | | | |_______________________| | | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_______________________|_______________________________ | _Guy Herrick CARVER _| | (1886 - 1968) m 1906| | | _______________________________ | | | | | _______________________|_______________________________ | | | | | _______________________| | | | | | | | | _______________________________ | | | | | | | | |_______________________|_______________________________ | | | | |_________________________________| | | | | _______________________________ | | | | | _______________________|_______________________________ | | | | |_______________________| | | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_______________________|_______________________________ | | |--Sylvina Evelyn CARVER | (1907 - 1990) | _Barnabas Coffin BEAL _________+ | | (1781 - 1835) m 1804 | _Barnabas Coffin BEAL _|_Margaret N. ("Peggy") SAWYER _ | | (1804 - 1862) m 1830 (1873 - 1871) | _Barnabas Coffin BEAL _| | | (1835 - 1899) m 1855 | | | | _______________________________ | | | | | | |_Lucinda Jane DOYLE ___|_______________________________ | | (1815 - 1892) m 1830 | _Charles Henry BEAL _____________| | | (1871 - 1951) m 1887 | | | | _______________________________ | | | | | | | _______________________|_______________________________ | | | | | | |_Phebe Ann STANWOOD ___| | | (1840 - 1917) m 1855 | | | | _______________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________|_______________________________ | | |_Susie Olive BEAL ___| (1889 - 1964) m 1906| | _______________________________ | | | _______________________|_______________________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | | _______________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________|_______________________________ | | |_Sylvina Whitney ("Vina") ALLEY _| (1871 - 1940) m 1887 | | _______________________________ | | | _______________________|_______________________________ | | |_______________________| | | _______________________________ | | |_______________________|_______________________________
[49591] She m. (2) in 1982 Vernal O. Woodward (1907-2002). "The Bangor Daily News [Bangor, Maine]," 17 September 199, p. 10: "Beals - Sylvina Alley Woodward, 83, died unexpectedly at home Sept. 15, 1990. She was born at Beals Feb. 4, 1907. the daughter of Capt. Guy and Susie (Beal) Carver. She graduated from Jonesport High School in 1925, Washington State Normal School in 1927, and received a BS in education in 1954. Mrs. Woodward accepted a a position at Beals High School in 1927, one year after the school opened. She taught there for 40 years and served as principal for 28 years, serving as the last principal in 1968, when the school closed. She then taught at the Jonesport-Beals High School for three years, retiring in 1971. She also taught one year at the Addison High School. She was a member of the MTA, the Washington County Teachers Association, the Maine Principals Association, the National Principals Association, the NEA, and Delta Kappa Gamma. She had been a president of both Delta Kappa Gamma and the WCTA. In 1959 she was one of four Maine teachers to receive the Valley Forge Classroom Teachers Medal from the Freedom Foundation. During her years as a teacher she was active with public speaking, one-act plays and all other extra-curricular activities. She was an active member of the Beals Wesleyan Church. After her retirement she was active with the management of Carver Industries. She served on the Beals and Jonesport-Beals school committees and was instrumental in the building of the new Beals Elementary School. She and her husband had traveled extensively over the last eight years and had recently returned from a trip to Spain. She is survived by her husband of eight years, Vernal O. Woodward, her daughter and son-in-law, Lorena and Willard Kelley; her son and daughter-in-law, Lawrence Erwin and Frances Alley, all of Steuben; one stepson and daughter-in-law, Arthur and Lois Woodward of Braintree, Mass.; one brother, Guy Carver, Jr. and his wife, Ruth; one sister, Mina C. Kent, all of Beals; eight grandchildren, Larry and his wife, Mimi, Gary and his wife, Mary Alice, Sylvina Ruth and her fiance, Shawn, Willard, Jr. and his wife, Cynthia, Charles and his wife, Julie, Kathy and her husband, Jim, Ann and her husband, John, Steve and his wife, Kim; eight greatgrandchildren, Liza, Ben, Morgan, Rohanna, Blake, Curtis, Alyssa and Jessica; several niecesl nephews and cousins. She was predeceased by her first husband of 52 years, Harold C. Alley, in 1980. She was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, teacher, and friend."
[52819] The unverified file MLGW-CJK in familysearch.org provides Fredrick and Elizabeth and states he is son of Aaron Davis (1794-1825) & Eunice Bishop (1794-1861; m. 16 January 1812 in Horton Twp., Kings Co., Nova Scotia, Canada).
_Asahel FOSTER ____________________+ | (1749 - 1820) _Asael FOSTER ___________|_Joanna SYMOND ____________________ | (1774 - 1851) m 1820 (1748 - 1827) _Moody Ashael FOSTER __| | (1823 - 1894) m 1851 | | | ___________________________________ | | | | |_Lucy CROSBY ____________|___________________________________ | (1793 - 1861) m 1820 _Eugene D. FOSTER ____| | (1869 - 1923) m 1891 | | | _Benjamin BUNKER __________________+ | | | (1759 - 1829) m 1779 | | _Peter BUNKER ___________|_Mary STANLEY _____________________ | | | (1787 - 1857) (1752 - ....) | |_Martha Jordan BUNKER _| | (1833 - 1872) m 1851 | | | ___________________________________ | | | | |_Martha (Patty") JORDAN _|___________________________________ | (1797 - 1870) _Ralph Moody FOSTER ___| | (1894 - 1946) m 1912 | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | _________________________|___________________________________ | | | | | _James LAUGHLIN _______| | | | m 1865 | | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | | | | |_________________________|___________________________________ | | | | |_Flora E. MCLAUGHLIN _| | (1866 - 1956) m 1891 | | | _Simeon WILLIAMS __________________+ | | | (.... - 1858) | | _James WILLIAMS _________|_Harriet KENNEY ___________________ | | | (1813 - 1893) m 1839 (.... - 1877) | |_Susan Emily WILLIAMS _| | (1846 - 1924) m 1865 | | | _William JAKES ____________________ | | | m 1826 | |_Lucinda JAQUES _________|_Ruth ARCHER ______________________ | (1818 - 1884) m 1839 (1798 - ....) | |--Barbara Louise FOSTER | (1932 - 2022) | _Mark FROST _______________________+ | | (1749 - 1835) m 1770 | _David O. FROST _________|_Hannah HERSOM ____________________ | | (1783 - 1844) m 1810 (1752 - 1839) | _Thomas FROST _________| | | (1823 - 1895) m 1846 | | | | _William Hiram (Sr) HARPER ________ | | | | (.... - 1848) | | |_Joanna HARPER __________|_Hannah Elizabeth ("Betsey") OBER _ | | (1783 - 1844) m 1810 (1765 - 1841) | _Frank Walter FROST __| | | (1855 - 1927) m 1887 | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | | | _James SMITH ____________|___________________________________ | | | | (.... - 1857) | | |_Louisa SMITH _________| | | (1826 - 1905) m 1846 | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | | |_________________________|___________________________________ | | |_Mattie Lillian FROST _| (1895 - 1970) m 1912 | | ___________________________________ | | | _________________________|___________________________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | | |_________________________|___________________________________ | | |_Ida M. DEBECK _______| (1872 - 1904) m 1887 | | ___________________________________ | | | _________________________|___________________________________ | | |_______________________| | | ___________________________________ | | |_________________________|___________________________________
[16936] Barbara m. 8 Jan 1953 Robert Scott (b. 29 April 1930) and had Debra Lyn Scott (29 July 1954 - m. 12 July 1974 James Lee Miller), Randall Llewellyn Scott (19 Jan 1956), Daniel Lee Scott (26 Jan 1958) and Timothy Scott ( 24 Aug 1962). The unverified file GKW9-7K4 in familysearch.org offers: "When Barbara Louise Foster was born on 14 April 1932, in Mariaville, Hancock, Maine, United States, her father, Ralph Moody Foster Sr., was 37 and her mother, Mattie Lillian Frost, was 36. She married Robert Llewellyn Scott on 8 January 1953, in Maine, United States. They were the parents of at least 1 son. She lived in Brewer, Penobscot, Maine, United States for about 5 years and Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, United States in 1953. She died on 16 February 2022, in Rochester, Strafford, New Hampshire, United States, at the age of 89." Her obituary: "Dover - Rochester - Barbara Louise (Foster) Scott, 89, of Dover and Ossipee, NH, passed away at the Studley Home in Rochester, NH on Wednesday, February 16, 2022. Barbara was born on April 14, 1932 in Mariaville, ME to Ralph and Mattie (Frost) Foster. After attending Brewer, Maine schools, she graduated as a registered nurse from Maine General in Portland, ME, now known as Maine Medical Center. Barbara married Robert 'Bud' Scott on January 8, 1953, who was in the USAF, and they moved to England, where he was stationed and their daughter Debra was born. In 1955 they settled in Dover, NH where sons Randall, Daniel and Timothy were born. Barbara worked as a nurse at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital in maternity, which she loved. However, in 1962 she began employment with Dr. Rudolf Hoene, allergist and rheumatologist, who later added partners Bruce Samuels and Thomas Decker, making her the first nurse for the first doctors in the practice that became Wentworth Health Partners. Barbara loved her job there as nurse manager for 22 years, where she helped children (and adults) become comfortable with weekly allergy injections and 'translated' for patients and hospital staff Dr. Hoene's thick German accent and doctor's messy handwriting. She loved to tell stories- (never mentioned names!)- about crazy things that happened there and the tricks she would play on Dr. Hoene on April Fool's Day every year. Deciding to do something completely different, Barbara retired from nursing and with her husband moved to Ossipee NH to own and manage the Pine Cove Motel. Always a lover of people, Barbara kept a diary entitled 'Confessions of an Innkeeper' where she recorded stories of things that happened. She especially loved the silly, touching, and comical. Although never a gossip, Barbara loved telling her stories to everyone. People enjoyed her easy way of laughing at herself, while always giving the best possible representation of her children, when they were mentioned. She loved her children and grandchildren dearly. Barbara attended church regularly and loved to talk about her relationship with God. Barbara is predeceased by her husband Robert and son Randall Scott, and by her siblings Thelma Bragg, Arno Foster, Dorothy Dunham, Mary Bragg, Eleanor O'Halloran, Flora Foster, Lillian Tucker, Ralph Foster, Isabelle Scott, Maxine Sheckler, and Norman Foster. She is survived by her sister Marlene Howard of Daytona Beach FL, and by her children Debra Miller of East Wakefield, NH, Daniel Scott of Concord NC, and Timothy Scott of Dover; by grandchildren Megan and Scott Miller, Rebecca Latella and Maranda Scott, Chelsey and Lee Scott, Bonnie Pierre and 3 great-grandchildren."
[33722] This line is from an unverified family tree in Ancestry.com in 2012 which states Barbara is daughter of Caspar Muller (1535-1585) and Anna Heller (b. ca. 1540).
[58461] Margaret is daughter of Richard Pinkham (1793-1865) & Margaret Wilson (1800-1845; m. 7 January 1819 in Harpswell, Cumberland Co., ME).
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Conrad RUSH ________| | (1734 - 1795) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _William RUSH _______| | (1765 - 1839) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | | __| | | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | |__|__ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Adam RUSH | (1792 - 1845) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | __|__ | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
___________________________________________ | _______________________________|___________________________________________ | ________________________________________________| | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________|___________________________________________ | ___________________________________| | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | _______________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | |________________________________________________| | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________|___________________________________________ | _Rudolf of RHEINFELDEN _| | (.... - 1080) | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | _______________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | | ________________________________________________| | | | | | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | | | |_______________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | |___________________________________| | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | _______________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | |________________________________________________| | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________|___________________________________________ | | |--Bertha VON RHEINFELDEN | | _Amadeus, Count of RINGELHEIM _____________ | | | _Berthold, Count of MAURIENNE _|_Gemma of BAVARIA _________________________ | | | _Humbert I ("the Whitehanded"), Count of SAVOY _| | | (0985 - 1048) | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | |_Hinna of SCHEYERN ____________|___________________________________________ | | | _Otto (or Oddone), Count of SAVOY _| | | (1021 - 1059) m 1045 | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | | _______________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | | | |_Ancilia of LENZBURG ___________________________| | | | | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________________|___________________________________________ | | |_Adelaide of SAVOY _____| (.... - 1079) | | _Ardoino "Glabrio", Count of Susa & TURIN _+ | | (.... - 0972) | _Manfred I, Count of SUSA _____|___________________________________________ | | (.... - 1000) m 0991 | _Ulric Manfred II, Count of SUSA _______________| | | (0992 - 1034) m 1010 | | | | _Attone, Count of REGGIO __________________+ | | | | (.... - 0981) | | |_Prangorda of REGGIO __________|___________________________________________ | | m 0991 |_Adelaide of TURIN ________________| (.... - 1091) m 1045 | | _Oberto I, Margrave of ESTE _______________+ | | (0912 - 0975) | _Oberto II, Margrave of ESTE __|_Guilla of SPOLETO ________________________ | | |_Bertha of ESTE ________________________________| (.... - 1029) m 1010 | | ___________________________________________ | | |_______________________________|___________________________________________
[27211] http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~cousin/html/p439.htm states "Gräfin von Kellmütz Bertha von Rheinfelden was born circa 1065. She was the daughter of Rudolf, Gegenkönig von Deutschland and Adelaide de Savoie. She married Graf von Bregenz Udalrich X von Bregenz, son of Graf von Bregenz und im Argen- und Nibelgau Udalrich IX 'der Ältere' von Bregenz."
[46762] Find A Grave memorial 27590327 reports: "Eva was the daughter of Abraham and Catherine Wentzel. She was the fourth wife of Heinrich Hepler and the mother of the following known children: Lydia, Abigail, Susanna, Sarah, and William."