_Abraham (Bouden or) BOWDEN _+ | m 1706 _John BOWDEN ___________|_Martha Mary WORMWOOD _______ | (1718 - ....) m 1750 (1688 - 1751) _Thomas BOWDEN _____________| | (.... - 1807) | | | _John STOVER ________________+ | | | (1709 - 1786) m 1729 | |_Lucy STOVER ___________|_Miriam HARMON ______________ | (1729 - 1789) m 1750 (1707 - ....) _Samuel T. BOWDEN ___| | (1804 - 1864) m 1833| | | _Ralph DEVEREUX _____________+ | | | (1700 - 1784) m 1729 | | _Ralph DEVEREUX ________|_Ruth POTTER ________________ | | | (1739 - 1824) m 1765 (1710 - 1809) | |_Lois (or Louise) DEVEREUX _| | (1767 - ....) | | | _____________________________ | | | | |_Lois Ingerson HIBBERT _|_____________________________ | (1749 - ....) m 1765 _Edward Clarence BOWDEN _| | (1857 - 1923) m 1887 | | | _Sparks PERKINS _____________+ | | | (1721 - 1789) m 1743 | | _Isaac PERKINS _________|_Phoebe SAWYER ______________ | | | (1746 - ....) m 1770 | | _Samuel Webber PERKINS _____| | | | (1788 - 1816) m 1811 | | | | | _Gersham WEBBER _____________ | | | | | (1712 - 1797) | | | |_Olive WEBBER __________|_Mercy YOUNG ________________ | | | (1752 - 1835) m 1770 (1714 - 1794) | |_Abigail PERKINS ____| | (1814 - 1886) m 1833| | | _John SNOWMAN _______________+ | | | (.... - 1801) m 1754 | | _John SNOWMAN __________|_Sarah STAPLES ______________ | | | (1755 - 1829) m 1780 (1733 - ....) | |_Hannah SNOWMAN ____________| | (1794 - 1872) m 1811 | | | _Elisha HORNE _______________ | | | m 1757 | |_Comfort HORNE _________|_Tamesin RANDAL _____________ | (1762 - 1834) m 1780 (1738 - ....) | |--Florence N. BOWDEN | (1888 - 1967) | _____________________________ | | | ________________________|_____________________________ | | | ____________________________| | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | |________________________|_____________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | | ________________________|_____________________________ | | | | | | |____________________________| | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | |________________________|_____________________________ | | |_Addie Perkins NORTON ___| (1866 - 1954) m 1887 | | _____________________________ | | | ________________________|_____________________________ | | | ____________________________| | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | |________________________|_____________________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________________ | | | ________________________|_____________________________ | | |____________________________| | | _____________________________ | | |________________________|_____________________________
_Hugh Capet, King of FRANCE ___________________+ | (0941 - 0996) _Robert II ("the Pious"), King of FRANCE ____|_Adélaide of POITOU __________________________ | (0970 - 1031) m 1002 (0945 - 1004) _Robert The Old, Duke of BURGUNDY ______| | (1011 - 1075) | | | _William III, Count of TOULOUSE _______________+ | | | (0947 - 1037) | |_Constance DE TAILLEFER _____________________|_Adelaide of ANJOU ____________________________ | (0986 - 1032) m 1002 _Henry, Duke of BURGUNDY _______________| | (1035 - ....) m 1056 | | | _Geoffrey I, Count of SEMUR ___________________+ | | | (0940 - 1015) | | _Dalmace I, Count of SEMUR __________________|_Maud DE CHALONS ______________________________ | | | (0970 - 1048) | |_Helias ("Eleanor") of Semur en AUXOIS _| | | | | _Gérard, Sire DE VERGY _______________________+ | | | | |_Aremburge DE VERGY _________________________|_Elizabeth DE CHâLONS ________________________ | _Eudes I BOREL ___________| | (1058 - 1103) | | | _Adalbert, King of ITALY ______________________+ | | | (0936 - 0973) m 0956 | | _Otto Guilleaume, Count of Macon & BURGUNDY _|_Gerberge of CHALONS __________________________ | | | (0947 - 1027) (.... - 0989) | | _Raynald I (or Renaud I) of BURGUNDY ___| | | | (0990 - 1057) m 1023 | | | | | _Renaud, Count of Rheims & ROUCY ______________+ | | | | | (0900 - 0973) | | | |_Ermentrude ROUCY ___________________________|_Alberade of LORRAINE _________________________ | | | (0958 - 1005) (0930 - ....) | |_Sibylle of BURGUNDY ___________________| | (.... - 1074) m 1056 | | | _Richard I ("the Fearless") of NORMANDY _______+ | | | (0933 - 0996) | | _Richard II "The Good", Duke of NORMANDY ____|_Gunnor DE CRêPON ____________________________ | | | (.... - 1026) m 1000 (.... - 1031) | |_Judith (or Alice) of NORMANDY _________| | (.... - 1038) m 1023 | | | _Conan I, Count of RENNES _____________________+ | | | (.... - 0992) m 0980 | |_Judith of BRITTANY _________________________|_Ermengarde of ANJOU __________________________ | (0982 - 1017) m 1000 | |--Alice (Ela) of BURGUNDY | (.... - 1141) | _Adalbert, King of ITALY ______________________+ | | (0936 - 0973) m 0956 | _Otto Guilleaume, Count of Macon & BURGUNDY _|_Gerberge of CHALONS __________________________ | | (0947 - 1027) (.... - 0989) | _Raynald I (or Renaud I) of BURGUNDY ___| | | (0990 - 1057) m 1023 | | | | _Renaud, Count of Rheims & ROUCY ______________+ | | | | (0900 - 0973) | | |_Ermentrude ROUCY ___________________________|_Alberade of LORRAINE _________________________ | | (0958 - 1005) (0930 - ....) | _William I OR "WILLIAM II" of Burgundy__| | | (.... - 1087) | | | | _Richard I ("the Fearless") of NORMANDY _______+ | | | | (0933 - 0996) | | | _Richard II "The Good", Duke of NORMANDY ____|_Gunnor DE CRêPON ____________________________ | | | | (.... - 1026) m 1000 (.... - 1031) | | |_Judith (or Alice) of NORMANDY _________| | | (.... - 1038) m 1023 | | | | _Conan I, Count of RENNES _____________________+ | | | | (.... - 0992) m 0980 | | |_Judith of BRITTANY _________________________|_Ermengarde of ANJOU __________________________ | | (0982 - 1017) m 1000 |_Maud SIBYLLE of Burgundy_| (1065 - 1101) | | _Ramon Borell (Raymond I), Count of BARCELONA _+ | | (0942 - 1018) m 1001 | _Ramon I ("the Curve") BERENGUER ____________|_Ermesinde of CARCASSONNE _____________________ | | (1006 - 1035) m 1021 (0972 - 1057) | _Raymund II BERENGUER __________________| | | (1023 - 1076) m 1053 | | | | _Sancho Garcias, Count of CASTILE _____________+ | | | | (.... - 1017) | | |_Sancha Sánchez of CASTILE _________________|_Urraca SALVADORES ____________________________ | | (1006 - 1026) m 1021 (.... - 1025) |_Etiennette ("Stephanie") of BARCELONA _| (.... - 1109) | | _Adalbert I, Count de La MARCHE _______________+ | | (.... - 0995) | _Bernard I, Count de La MARCHE ______________|_Almode DE LIMOGES ____________________________ | | (.... - 1047) |_Adelmode de La MARCHE _________________| (.... - 1066) m 1053 | | _______________________________________________ | | |_Amélie DE RAZèS __________________________|_______________________________________________ (.... - 1072)
[3414] http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/rfc/gw99.htm states: Alice (Helie) of Burgundy (1080-1141) m (1) Bertrand de St.Gilles, Comte de Toulouse, Tripoli (-1112). Cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helie_of_Burgundy which reports "In June 1095, she married to Bertrand of Toulouse, as his second wife. The two had one son, Pons of Tripoli (c. 1098-1137). Bertrand succeeded his father as Count of Toulouse in 1105, and in 1108, he set out for Outremer to claim his father's rights as Count of Tripoli. Helie accompanied him on this expedition, which resulted in the capture of Tripoli in 1109; shortly after, their nephew, William-Jordan died of wounds, giving Bertrand an undisputed claim to Tripoli. Bertrand died in 1112, and Pons succeeded him in Tripoli. Helie returned to France, where she married William III of Ponthieu in 1115."
See http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CHAMPAGNE%20NOBILITY.htm in 2007 which offers: "Simon de Broyes (-1187 or after). 'Simon dominus Brecarum' donated property to Andecy (Marne) by charter dated 1131 with the consent of 'Felicitatis uxoris sue et liberorum suorum Hugonis…Symonis et Emelina'. Seigneur de Beaufort. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names 'Hugonem de Brois qui iacet in Claravalle et Symonem de Belloforti' as sons of 'Symon de Brois' & his wife. 'Nobilis mulier Felicitas' donated property at Chasteler to Andecy (Marne) by charter dated 1171 with the consent of 'filiorum suorum Hugonis domini Brecarum et domini Symonis de Beaufort'. 'Symon dominus Bellifortis' donated property to Chapelle-aux-Planches by charter dated 1182 in which he names 'Hugone fratre meo domino de Brecis et…Felicitate filia mea', witnessed by 'Erardus comes Brenensis, Martinus de Belloforti miles'. 'Simon Seigneur de Beaufort' donated property to the abbey of Andecy by charter dated 1182 subscribed by 'Geoffroy Seigneur de Joinville son frère, Pierre chapelain du Sire de Broyes également son frère'. Seigneur de Beaufort, de Trilbardou et de Charmentray. m (before 1172) as her first husband, Agnes de Joigny Dame de Ramerupt, daughter of Renaud [IV] Comte de Joigny & his wife Adelaide de Nevers (-1202 or after). 'Symon dominus Bellifortis' donated property to Chapelle-aux-Planches by charter dated 1182 in which he names 'Agnes uxor mea et dominus Hugo Brecarum frater meus', witnessed by 'Erardus comes Brenensis'. The primary source which confirms her parentage and her second marriage has not yet been identified. She married secondly Henri d'Arzillières. Simon & his wife had one child:
Felicite de Broyes (-[Feb/Mar] 1244, bur Abbaye d'Elanz). 'Hugo Registensis comes' noted a donation to Chapelle-aux-Planches by charter dated [1189] in which he names 'viro Symone domino Bellifortis…et Felicitas uxor mea'. The parentage of Félicité is proved by an earlier document in the same cartulary dated 1182 in which 'Symon dominus Bellifortis' names 'Felicitate filia mea'. 'Felicitas domina Bellifortis, dicta comitissa Registensis' made a donation to Chapelle-aux-Planches by charter dated Jul 1243. Dame de Beaufort et de Ramerupt. m (1186) Hugues [II] de Rethel, son of Manasses [III] Comte de Rethel & his wife Mathilde Wildgräfin (-[28 May 1227/Feb 1228], bur Abbaye d'Elanz). He succeeded in 1198 as Comte de Rethel."
Cf. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jamesdow/s041/f500383.htm proposes her ancestry (not verified).
__ | __|__ | _Robert HUCKINS _____| | (1708 - ....) m 1728| | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Isaac HUCKINS ______| | (1747 - 1818) m 1773| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |_Meribah JACKSON ____| | m 1728 | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _James HUCKINS ______| | (1783 - ....) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | | _____________________| | | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | |__|__ | | | | |_Lydia CLAY _________| | (1749 - ....) m 1773| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Taft C. HUCKINS | (1817 - 1877) | __ | | | __|__ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | __|__ | | | | | | |_____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Fanny ROBINSON _____| (1787 - 1846) | | __ | | | __|__ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__|__
[50089] See the unverified file L4LT-SWH in familysearch.org.
___________________________________ | ______________________________________|___________________________________ | ________________________| | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | |______________________________________|___________________________________ | __________________________| | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | ______________________________________|___________________________________ | | | | |________________________| | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | |______________________________________|___________________________________ | _John Wesley LESH ___| | (1843 - 1919) m 1864| | | ___________________________________ | | | | | ______________________________________|___________________________________ | | | | | ________________________| | | | | | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | | | | |______________________________________|___________________________________ | | | | |__________________________| | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | ______________________________________|___________________________________ | | | | |________________________| | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | |______________________________________|___________________________________ | | |--son of John Wesley LESH | (1866 - 1867) | _Mathias (Lei, Ley?) LOY __________ | | (1706 - 1783) | _Michael (Sr). LOY ___________________|_Anna Maria DAY ___________________ | | (1740 - 1823) m 1762 (1711 - 1786) | _Nicholas LOY __________| | | (1770 - 1848) m 1811 | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | | |_Maria Margaret (Lempert or) LAMBERT _|___________________________________ | | (1743 - 1809) m 1762 | _Andrew LOY ______________| | | (1816 - 1898) m 1835 | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | | | ______________________________________|___________________________________ | | | | | | |_Catherine KUHN ________| | | (1771 - 1844) m 1811 | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________________________|___________________________________ | | |_Ann E. LOY _________| (1846 - 1912) m 1864| | ___________________________________ | | | ______________________________________|___________________________________ | | | _John WORMLEY __________| | | (1784 - 1873) | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________________________|___________________________________ | | |_Maria Catherine WORMLEY _| (1815 - 1858) m 1835 | | _George Michael BREINER ___________ | | (.... - 1782) | _John Frederick BREINER ______________|_Catharina Magdalena (Ley or) LOY _ | | (1762 - 1824) (1742 - 1806) |_Mary Catharine BRINER _| (1787 - 1871) | | ___________________________________ | | |______________________________________|___________________________________
[43130] In 2017 the unverified http://www.epsomhistory.com/genealogy states Karenhappuck is Anthony's second wife.
_Robert WHITCOMB _________+ | (1628 - 1704) m 1661 _Israel WHITCOMB ____|_Mary Elizabeth CUDWORTH _ | (1661 - 1733) m 1700 (1637 - 1699) _Noah WHITCOMB ______| | (1714 - 1798) m 1742| | | _Samuel STODDER __________+ | | | (.... - 1731) m 1666 | |_Mary STODDER _______|_Elizabeth GILL __________ | (1672 - 1729) m 1700 (1647 - 1693) _Jacob WHITCOMB _________| | (1850 - 1835) m 1774 | | | __________________________ | | | | | _____________________|__________________________ | | | | |_Mary FRANKLIN ______| | (1724 - 1808) m 1742| | | __________________________ | | | | |_____________________|__________________________ | _Joseph W. WHITCOMB _| | (1787 - 1859) m 1808| | | _Nathaniel WALES _________+ | | | (1649 - 1718) m 1678 | | _Joseph WALES _______|_Joanna FAXON ____________ | | | (1697 - 1767) (1661 - 1704) | | _Joseph WALES _______| | | | (1726 - 1773) m 1749| | | | | __________________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|__________________________ | | | | |_Abigail WALES __________| | (1750 - 1833) m 1774 | | | _Samuel BASS _____________+ | | | (1660 - 1751) m 1694 | | _Samuel BASS ________|_Mary ADAMS ______________ | | | (1700 - 1768) m 1722 (1667 - 1706) | |_Abigail BASS _______| | (1728 - 1804) m 1749| | | _Samuel WHITE ____________+ | | | (1676 - 1756) m 1701 | |_Hannah WHITE _______|_Deborah PENNIMAN ________ | (1704 - 1743) m 1722 (1689 - 1724) | |--Joseph WHITCOMB | (1809 - 1881) | __________________________ | | | _____________________|__________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|__________________________ | | | _Nathaniel (Jr.) FRENCH _| | | (1767 - ....) | | | | __________________________ | | | | | | | _____________________|__________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________| | | | | | | __________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|__________________________ | | |_Eunice FRENCH ______| (1794 - 1877) m 1808| | _Ebenezer SPEAR __________+ | | (1654 - 1719) m 1679 | _Benjamin SPEAR _____|_Rachel DEERING __________ | | (1698 - 1775) m 1722 (1659 - 1717) | _Joseph SPEAR _______| | | (1741 - 1822) | | | | _John NILES ______________+ | | | | (1671 - 1729) m 1696 | | |_Sarah NILES ________|_Katherine VINTON ________ | | (1702 - 1762) m 1722 |_Eunice SPEAR ___________| (1771 - ....) | | __________________________ | | | _____________________|__________________________ | | |_Sarah WALES ________| (1747 - 1822) | | __________________________ | | |_____________________|__________________________
_John YELVERTON _____+ | _William YELVERTON __|_Margery MORLEY _____ | (.... - 1481) _William YELVERTON __| | (.... - 1548) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _William III YELVERTON _____| | (1491 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _William IV YELVERTON _| | (.... - 1585) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | _____________________| | | | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Margaret Gamond or GERNON _| | | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Frances YELVERTON | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | _Henry Fermor or FERMOU ____| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Anne FERMOUR _________| | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |____________________________| | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________