Thomas Chipman. Born ca. 1583, Whitchurch, Dorset, England. Died ca.1623, Briants Puddle, Dorset, England. Source: Geneaogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, showing three Generations of those who came before May, 1692, on the basis of Farmer's Register - James Savage, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore, 1990, Vol. 1, page 380 title: A Chipman Genealogy author: John Hale Chipman publication: Chipman historics, Norwell, MA, 1970, p. XXV. Had good estate near Dorchester in Co. Dorset. He inherited from his father (name unknown) farm lands, a mill and buildings including tenements beside his dwelling. At that time, about 1600, the annual income amounted to *50 per annum, considered then a good yield from substantial property. When about 15 years old, he apparently turned this property over to his "cousin" Christopher Derby. Thomas and his wife lived in humble cottage in Bryant's Puddle in Dorset after he was "cut off" by Christopher.
Children of Thomas CHIPMAN and _____:
1 John CHIPMAN ELDER. Born ABT 1620, England. Died 07 APR 1708, Sandwich, Mass., married first, ABT 1646, Hope HOWLAND, born 1629, Plymouth, Mass., died 8 JAN 1683/1684, Barnstable, MA, daughter of John HOWLAND and Elizabeth TILLEY. Married second, 1684, Barnstable, MA, Ruth SARGEANT, born 25 OCT 1642, Charlestown, MA, died 1713, Sandwich, MA. SOURCE NOTES: Had been at Plymouth or Yarmouth a few years before 1650, and may have resided at other towns, since he said, 8 Feb. 1652, it was 21 years ago that he came from England and was now aged 37 years old. So that it seems probable he came with Allerton in the White Angel, or in the Friendship, that had sailed at the same time, from Barnstaple, in Devon, but had put back, and so reached here a few days later. He was long rul. Elder, and representative every year from 1663 to 1669 except 1667. A declaration by John Chipman to the Plymouth Court dated 8 February 1657/58 giving substantial background about himself is transcribed in NEHGR
35:127-28. In 1657 he had been out o England for twenty-one years and he supposed that he was thirty-seven years old. Thus, he was born ca. 1620, and probably arrived in New England between 12 July 1637 and 31 August 1638. He was the son of Thomas Chipman of Brinspittle (also called Bryant's Puddle), Dorset, and he alleged that his father had been cheated out of some property in England by a kinsman, Christopher Derby, as was acknowledged by Christopher's son, John Derby, who came to Plymouth Colony, resided at Yarmouth, and was lately deceased. Chipman desired the court to make an inquiry in England about this matter and also to see if his sister, Hanner and Tamssin (Hannah andThomasine), could be located. On 2 March 1641/42 Ann Hinde, wife of William Hoskins, age about twenty-five years, made a deposition to Edward Winslow in a case between John Derby and John Chipmand. Ann was living in the house of Mr. Derby's father with John Chipman at the time Chipman left for New England to serve Mr. Richard Derby, brother of John Derby. Ann left later also to serve Richard Derby, and old Mr. Derby requested her to commend him to his cousin Chipman and tell him "if hee were a good boy hee would send him ouer the money that was due him when hee saw good." Ann also deposed that John Derby affirmed that this money had already been paid to Chipman's mother, but Ann knew that the mother had been dead a quarter of a year before the time that old Mr. Derby sent his message to Chipman. It is not known if anything further became of this matter. Chipman was strangely not on the 1643 ATBA. He was proposed as a freeman in 1649, and, though there is no record of when he became a freeman, he appears on a 1658 freeman list and is recorded under Banrstable. He served as a grandjuryman; in 1663 he became a deputy; and in 1665 he became a selectman for Barnstable. He was one of two men chose as ruling elders of the Barnstable Church on 14 April 1670. Elder John Chipman is probably the ancestor of all of the name of Chipman in the United States and British Provinces. The following statement, drawn up by himself, is printed from an ancient copy of the original in the possession of the family of the late Mr. Samuel Chipman of Sandwich. An incorrect copy was published in the Genealogical Register of 1850. The following has been carefully collated with te manuscript, and is a true transcript thereof, excepting four words, which are repetitons and erased in the manuscript. Interlineations are printed in bold. [IT:[BO:A Brief Declaration in Behalf of Jno. Chipman of Barnstable:BO]:IT] [IT:A Brief Declaration with humble Request (to whom these Presents shall come) for further Inquiry & Advice in ye behalf of John Chipman, now of Barnstable in the Government of New Plimouth in New England in America, being ye only Son & Heir of Mr. Thomas Chipman Late Deceased at Brinspittell about five miles from Dorchester in Dorsetshire in England concerning Tenement or Tenements with a Mill & other Edifice therunto belonging Lying & being in Whitchurch of Marhwood vale near Burfort alias Breadpor, in Dorsetshire aforsd hertofore worth 40 or 50 Pounds pr Annum which were ye Lands of ye sd Thomas Chipman being entailed to him & his Heirs for Ever but hath for Sundry years Detained from ye sd John Chipman the right & only Proper Heir thereunto, By reason of Some kinde of Sale made of Inconsiderable value by the sd Thomas (In the time of his Single Estate not then minding marriage) unto his kinsman Mr. Christopher Derbe Living Sometime in Sturtle near Burfort aforsd being as the Said John hath been Informed, but for 40 lb And to be maintained Like a man with Diet Apparel &c by the sd Christopher as Long as the sd Thomas Should Live whereat ye Lawyer wc made the Evidences being troubled at his Weakness in taking Such an Inconsiderable Price tendered him to Lend him money or to give to him ye sd Thomas Seven Hundred Pounds for ye sd Lands. But yet the matter Issuing as Aforsd The Vote of the Country who had knowledge of it was that the sd Thomas had much wrong in it Especially After it pleased God to change his condition, and to give him Children, being turned off by the sd Christopher only with a poor Cottage and Garden Spott instead of his forsd Maintainance to the great wrong of his Children Especially of his Son John Aforsd to whom ye Sd Lands by right of Entailment did belong Insomuch that mr William Derbe who had the sd Lands in his Possession then from his father Christopher Derbe told the sd John Chipman (being then a youth) that his father Christopher had done him wrong, but if ye sd Lands prospered with him that he would then consider the sd John todo for him in way of recompence for the Same when he should be of capacity in years to make use thereof. The sd John further declareth that one mr Derbe A Lawyer of Dorchester (he supposes ye father of that mr Derbe now Living in Dorchester) being a friend to the mother of the sd John told her being Acquanted with ye Business and sorry for the Injury to her Heir, that if it pleased God he Liv'd to be of Age ye would himself upon his own charge make a tryal for the recovery of it, and in case he recovere it Shee Should give him 10 lb Else ye would have nothing for his trouble and charge. Furthermore John Derbe late deceased of Yarmouth in New Plimouth Government Aforsd hath acknowledged here to the sd John Chipman that his father Christopher had done him much wrong in the forsd Lands but ye sd John Chipman being but in a poor and mean outward condition, hath hitherto been Afraid to stir in it as thinking he should NEVER get IT] from ye rich and mighty, but being now Stireed up by some frineds as Judging it his Duty to make more Effectual Inquiry after IT for his own comfort his wife and childrens which God hath been pleased to bestow on him if any thing may be done therein, & in what way it may be attained, whether without his coming over which is mostly Desired it it may bee. Because of exposing his wife & children to Some Straits in his Absence from them, he hath therefore, Desired these as aforsd Desiring also Some Search may be made for farther Light in ye case into the Records the conveyance of the Said Lands being made as he Judgeth about threescore years Since as Also that Enquiry be made of his Sisters which he supposeth LIVED about those parts & of whom else it may be thought meet, and Advice sent over as Aforsd, not Else at present But hoping that there be Some Left yet in England alike Spirited with him in 29 Job whom the Ear that heareth of may bless God for Deliverling ye poor that crieth and him that hath no helper Bein Eyes to the blind feet to the Lame A father to the Poor Searching out ye cause which he knoweth not, &c. Barnstable as Aforsd this 8th of Feb. (57.) John Chipman Desires his Love be presented to his Sisters Hannor and Tamson and to hear particularly from the if Living and doth further request that Enquiry be made of mr Oliver Lawrence of Arpittle who was an intimate friend of his fathers. He desires also Enquiry be made of his Sisters what those parchment writeings concerned in the custody of his mother when he was there. The sd. John Chipman Supposeth his age to be About thirty seven years; it being next may Twenty & one year Since he come out of England. John Chipman, only son of Mr. Thomas Chipman, was born in or near Dorchester in Dorcetshire, England, about the year 1621. He had two sisters Hannah and Tamson, who married and remained in England. His father died early, and he resided with his uncle, Mr. Christopher Derbey. In May, 1637, Mr. Richard Derbey, a son of Christopher, came to New England, bringing with him his cousin John, then sixteen years of age, and others, in the capacity of servants. It was then customary to send over orphan youths of good habits, to be bound for a term of years, to the planters and other early settlers. Mr. Richard Derbey settled at Plymouth, where he remained several years; but no mention is made of his cousin John till the spring of 1642, when he had arrived at legal age, and when he brought an action against his cousin, Mr. John Derbey, for a sum of money sent to him by his uncle Christopher, and not paid over by said John Derbey. It is probable that during the four years that had intervened, he had served an apprenticeship with a carpenter. This is not certain; but it appears by his will that ye was a carpenter, though in deeds he is styled a yeoman. In Aug. 1643, he was absent from the colony, or was sick and unable to bear arms; but it appears that he was afterwards a resident of Plymouth. In 1646 he married Hope, second daughter of Mr. John Howland. In 1649, he was of Barnstable, and that year bought the homestead of Edward Fitzrandolphe, the original deed whereof is in my possession (Amos Otis). The land has since been sub-divided many times, and is now (1888) owned by several individuals. It was bounded on the north by the County road, east by the Hyannis road, extending across the present line of the railroad, and was bounded south by the commons, and on the west by the homestead of George Lewis, Senr., and contained eight acres. The deed also conveyed a garden spot and orchard on the north side of the County road, now owned by Capt. Heman Foster. The ancient house on this estate stood between the present dwellings of the heirs of Anna Childs, deceased, and the house formerly owned by Isaiah L. Greene, Esq. How long he resided on this estate is not known. In 1659, it was owned and occupied by John Davis, Senr. Probably about this time he removed to Great Marshes. No lands are recorded as belonging to him in 1654, when all were required to have their possessions entered and described on the town books. He may have resided about that time in another town, though he was of Barnstable in 1659. He bought of his brother-in-law, Lieut. John Howland, one half of his farm which is now owned by his descendants. The deed is dated Dec. 10, 1672, and for the consideration of *16 Mr. Howland conveys to him one-half of his lands in Barnstable, containing forty-five acres of upland. The deed is in the hand writing of Gov. Thomas Hinckley, is on parchment, and is now in the possession of the family of Mr. Samuel Chipman of Sandwich. The lands sold were bounded, easterly, partly by the land of John Otis and partly by the land of William Crocker, northerly by the marsh, westerly by the other half of the lands not sold. The boundaries are particularly described, and the range between Howland and Chipman ran over a well or spring, giving each a privilege thereto. Mr. Howland names his northern orchard, showing that at that early date he had set out two. Elder Chipman owned lands at West Barnstable before 1672, for in the same deed he makes an exchange of meadow with his brother-in-law. After his second marriage in 1684 he removed to Sandwich. He was admitted an inhabitant of that town in 1679, but appears yo have been in Barnstable in 1682. His removal was deeply regretted by the people, and many efforts were unsuccessfully made to induce him to return to Barnstable. The church, though dissatisfied at his removal without their consent, agreed to pay him five or six pounds annually, if he would resume his office of Elder, and the town voted to make him a liberal grant of meadow lands if he would return. These votes show that his services were appreciated by the members of the church, with which he had held communion nearly forty years, and that he was highly esteemed as a man and a christian by his fellow townsmen and neighbors. His connection with the Barnstable church was most happy. His wife Hope joined the church Aug. 7, 1650, and he joined Jan'y 30, 1652-3. "Henry Cobb and John Chipman were chosen and ordained to be ruling Elders of this same church, and they were solemnly invested with office upon ye 14th day of April Anno Dom: 1670." [Church Records]. It is probable that he was deacon of the church before he was elected Elder. He survived Mr. Cobb many years, and was the last Ruling Elder of the church. Subsequently, attempts were made to revive the office. The questin was frequently discussed at church meetings; but a majority opposed another election. His talents and services in civil life were duly appreciated. In June, 1659, he and Isaac Robinson and John Smith of Barnstable, and John Cook of Plymouth, were appointed by the Plymouth Colony Court to attend the meetings of the Quakers "to endeavour to reduce them from the errors of their wayes." - The result was that Robinson, whose name appears most prominent in these proceedings, recommended the repeal ofthe severe laws that had been enacted against that sect. Smith and Chipman did not incur the censure of the Court, though there is no reason to doubt that they sympathized with Robinson in his views respecting the impolicy of those laws. In 1649 he was a freeman, and in 1652 he was a grand juror, and appointed by the Treasurer of the Colony, a committee for the Town of Barnstable to receive the proportion of oil taken which belonged to the Colony; in 1663, '4, '5, '8 and '9 he was representative from Barnstable to the Colony Court; in 1665, '6, '7, and '8 he was one of the selectmen of Barnstable, who at that time exercised, in addition to other duties, the functions since pertaining to justices of the peace; and in 1667 he was one of the council of war. For his public services the court in 1669 granted him one hundred acres of land, between Taunton and Titcut, which was afterwards confirmed to him.
2 Hannah CHIPMAN. SOURCE: Plymouth Colony - Its History & People - 1620-1691, Eugene Aubrey Stratton (Ancestry Publishing - Salt Lake City - 1986), Page 262.
3 Thomasine CHIPMAN. SOURCE: as above for Hannah.
[The above Information is from: Ricardo Ernesto Rain (, Rua Dr. Ferreira Lopes 690 - Apto. 34, Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil - ZIP: 04671-011 - Telephone: 56-11-981-6961: FAX (55-11) 531-4129]
Note: Briants Puddle = Brinspittle. ALso see "Plymouth Colony...," Eugene Audrey Stratton (1986) pp. 262-63; NEHGR 35:127-28.
"Sketch of theChipman Family," R. Manning Chipman, in "Genealogies of Mayflower Families" on Family Tree Maker CD 171, opines that the surname came from Willielmus de Chipenham (William Chipman) who "was chief of the 'jurors,' in modern phrase was Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, wh took the 'survey,' or census and inventory, of the very extensive and opulent Monastery of Ely, England...."
_Reynold DE MOHUN __________+ | (.... - 1258) _John DE MOHUN ________|_Hawise Fitz PIERS _________ | (.... - 1254) (1210 - 1247) _John DE MOHUN ______| | (.... - 1279) | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_______________________|____________________________ | _John DE MOHUN ____________| | (.... - 1330) | | | ____________________________ | | | | | _______________________|____________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_______________________|____________________________ | _John DE MOHUN ______| | | | | _Robert DE TIBETOT _________ | | | (1175 - ....) | | _Henry DE TIBETOT _____|____________________________ | | | (1196 - ....) | | _Robert DE TIBETOT __| | | | (1228 - 1298) | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | | | |_______________________|____________________________ | | | | |_Ada (or Adua) DE TIBETOT _| | | | | _Patrick DE CHAWORTH _______+ | | | | | _Pain DE CHAWORTH _____|_Matilda (Sybil) DE HESDIN _ | | | (.... - 1237) | |_Eve DE CHAWORTH ____| | | | | _William de La FERTé ______+ | | | | |_Gundreda de La FERTE _|_Margaret DE BRIWERRE ______ | | |--John DE MOHUN | (1320 - 1375) | ____________________________ | | | _______________________|____________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________|____________________________ | | | ___________________________| | | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | | _______________________|____________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________| | | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________|____________________________ | | |_Christian SEGRAVE __| | | ____________________________ | | | _______________________|____________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________|____________________________ | | |___________________________| | | ____________________________ | | | _______________________|____________________________ | | |_____________________| | | ____________________________ | | |_______________________|____________________________ offers: "This nobleman was the ninth in descent from William De Mohun, and the last possessor, of his name and lineage, of Dunster Castle in Somerset, which had fallen, amongst other spoils, to the share of his said ancestor, "an expert commander," according to Dugdale, in the Norman army at the Conquest.
"John's grandfather, also John, the 1st Lord Mohun, served in several expeditions in Gascony and Scotland during the reigns of Kings Edward I and II and died in or about 1330, leaving the subject of this notice (son to his son John De Mohun, by Christian, daughter of John De Segrave) as his next heir, then in his tenth year. The custody of his lands during his minority, and also the benefit of his marriage, were granted to Henry Burghershe, Bishop of Lincoln, Lord Treasurer, at whose special instance he obtained, in 1341, though yet within age, livery of his inheritance, for which he did homage on occasion of his departure to join the army in Scotland in that year, or of his marriage with his guardian's niece, Joan, the daughter of Bartholomew, Lord Burghershe.
"He attended the English expedition into Brittany, in 1342, in the retinue of Lord Burghershe, and, only a few years later, had the good fortune to be chosen, together with his brother-in-law, Sir Bartholomew Burghershe "the Son" as one of the founders of the Most Noble Order of the Garter.
"We find him again employed, in 1346, in the retinue of the Prince of Wales when King Edward III landed at La Hogue; and he continued in the public service until the Siege of Calais. In 1348, he was again sent into France. By 1355, John was at Bordeaux, in the suite of the Black Prince. His name occurs frequently during that year in the household book, of which a fragment is preserved ill the office of the Duchy of Cornwall; and he is mentioned by Froissart amongst the witnesses to the King's letter, in 1370, for redressing wrongs committed by the army in Aquitaine.
"John was issued with summons to Parliament from 1342 (soon after he had come of age) until 4th October 1373. The date of his death was not discovered by Ashmole or Dugdale; but it is clear that it happened between the 14th April 1375, when robes of the Order of the Garter were directed to be issued to him, and the 4th April 1376, when Sir Thomas Holland, afterwards second earl of Kent, was in possession of his choir stall in the St. George's Chapel, Windsor.
"By his wife, Joan Burghershe (who died in 1404, and by her will ordered her burial in the tomb she had made in the crypt of Canterbury Cathedral), he had three daughters, his co-heiresses: Elizabeth, wife of William Montacute, 2nd Earl of Salisbury; Philippa, wife of Prince Edward, Duke of York and Albemarle, grandson of Edward Ill; and Maud, who married John, Lord Strange of Knockyn. The two former died without surviving issue and the large possessions of the family devolved, consequently, to Richard, Lord Strange, grandson of our noble knight."
Also see "Dictionary of National Biography, Vol. 38," Leslie Stephen (1900), p. 108
_Thomas Henrye FOSTER _+ | (1543 - 1586) m 1580 _Thomas FOSTER __________________|_Dorothy AUSTIN _______ | (1566 - 1638) m 1595 (1559 - 1619) _Thomas FOSTER _________| | (.... - 1682) | | | _______________________ | | | | |_Abigail WIMES __________________|_______________________ | (1573 - 1638) m 1595 _John FOSTER _________| | (1642 - 1732) m 1661 | | | _______________________ | | | | | _________________________________|_______________________ | | | | |________________________| | | | | _______________________ | | | | |_________________________________|_______________________ | _Joseph FOSTER ______| | (1674 - 1744) m 1698| | | _______________________ | | | | | _________________________________|_______________________ | | | | | ________________________| | | | | | | | | _______________________ | | | | | | | | |_________________________________|_______________________ | | | | |_Mary CHILLINGSWORTH _| | (.... - 1702) m 1661 | | | _______________________ | | | | | _________________________________|_______________________ | | | | |________________________| | | | | _______________________ | | | | |_________________________________|_______________________ | | |--Deborah FOSTER | (1711 - ....) | _______________________ | | | _"Pioneer" William BASSETT ______|_______________________ | | (1595 - 1667) m 1611 | _"Mr." William BASSETT _| | | (1624 - 1670) m 1652 | | | | _Nathaniel TILDEN _____+ | | | | m 1607 | | |_Elizabeth (Neil or) TILDEN _____|_Lydia HUESTEPE _______ | | m 1611 (1587 - ....) | _William BASSETT _____| | | (1656 - 1721) m 1675 | | | | _Robert RAYNSFORD _____+ | | | | (.... - 1629) m 1602 | | | _Elder Edward RAINSFORD _________|_Mary KIRTON __________ | | | | (1609 - 1680) (1567 - 1635) | | |_Mary RAINSFORD ________| | | (1632 - 1694) m 1652 | | | | _______________________ | | | | | | |_Mary, wife of Edward RAINSFORD _|_______________________ | | (.... - 1632) |_Rachel BASSETT _____| (1679 - 1744) m 1698| | _______________________ | | | _________________________________|_______________________ | | | ________________________| | | | | | | _______________________ | | | | | | |_________________________________|_______________________ | | |_Rachel WILLISTON ____| (.... - 1682) m 1675 | | _______________________ | | | _________________________________|_______________________ | | |________________________| | | _______________________ | | |_________________________________|_______________________
[18694] Deborah m. 22 Nov 1733 Isaac Freeman (b. 20 Oct 1706 at Sandwich, d. 16 Sept 1766 at Yarmouth, MA) - they had Deborah Freeman (b. 2 Feb 1729 at Rochester, MA, d. 11 Feb 1816 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH, m. 17 Nov 1757 at Rochester, Plymouth Co., MA Thomas West (b. 28 Feb 1737 at Tisbury, MA, d. in May, 1819 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH). Isaac Freeman is son of Edmund Freeman (b. 5 Oct 1655/57 at Eastham, MA, d. 18 May 1720 at Sandwich, MA, and wife Sarah Skeffe (b. 1652, d. 12 Nov 1742 at Sandwich, MA).
_John GUNTER ________+ | (1590 - 1679) m 1614 _John GUNTER ________|_Margaret STUART ____ | (1624 - 1696) (.... - 1655) _John GUNTER ________| | (1679 - 1750) m 1700| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Charles GUNTER _____| | (1716 - 1750) m 1734| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Johanna BENDALL ____| | (1651 - 1696) m 1700| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _John GUNTER ________| | (1744 - 1916) m 1783| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | _____________________| | | | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Judith GUTTERIE ____| | (1715 - 1752) m 1734| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Thomas M. GUNTER | (1779 - 1856) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Susanna HARRIS _____| (1758 - 1816) m 1783| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[36263] This person is from the unverified Mawhorter tree in in 2014. The unverified Mawhorter Tree in in 2016 reports "Thomas N Gunter was born in 1789 in Louisa, Virginia, the child of John and Susanna. He married Mary Polly Ware and they had eight children together. He then married Susan Ware on March 14, 1852, in Warren County, Illinois. He died on March 12, 1856, in Roseville, Illinois, at the age of 67, and was buried there." Find A Grave Memorial 73582026 offers: "Married 1st to Mary Ware, a daughter of Malachi Ware and his first wife (Elizabeth Wilson). Mary and Thomas were married on Oct. 8, 1799, in Louisa County, VA. Mary passed away in July of 1850 and Mary's sister, Susanna Almond Ware, who was 1st married to Wyatt Almond (who died in July of 1849) married Thomas N. Gunter on May 27, 1852. =============== According to an Indenture in Warren County, Illinois, dated April 17, 1856, i.e., approximately 5 weeks after the death of Thomas N. Gunter, regarding the sale of the Gunter farm property to a man named John Sargent, it was mentioned that there was a 16 foot square plot of land which was 'a portion of the North Half of the West Quarter of Section 18' and in this 16 square foot plot was the burial place of Thomas Gunter and his wife. That would be his first wife, Mary (Ware) Gunter, as his 2nd wife succeeded him. This Indenture entry was recorded as follows: 'of Section 18 which includes the graves of the said Thomas Gunter and his wife whose remains were buried there.' The Gunter farm was located in the town of Roseville, Swan Twp., Warren County, Illinois."
_William IRISH _____________+ | (.... - 1680) m 1639 _George IRISH ________|_Belle (or Bella) PONSONBY _ | _James ("High Sheriff") IRISH _| | | | | _Sir William MUSGROVE ______ | | | | |_Elizabeth MUSGROVE __|____________________________ | _James IRISH ____________________| | (.... - 1741) m 1720 | | | ____________________________ | | | | | _Edward (Esq.) POOLE _|____________________________ | | | | |_Beatrice POOLE _______________| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | |______________________|____________________________ | _Joseph IRISH _______| | (1728 - 1808) m 1753| | | ____________________________ | | | | | ______________________|____________________________ | | | | | _______________________________| | | | | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | | | |______________________|____________________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth, wife of James IRISH _| | m 1720 | | | ____________________________ | | | | | ______________________|____________________________ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | |______________________|____________________________ | | |--Joseph IRISH | | ____________________________ | | | ______________________|____________________________ | | | _______________________________| | | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | |______________________|____________________________ | | | _________________________________| | | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | | ______________________|____________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________________| | | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | |______________________|____________________________ | | |_Hannah DOANE _______| m 1753 | | ____________________________ | | | ______________________|____________________________ | | | _______________________________| | | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | |______________________|____________________________ | | |_________________________________| | | ____________________________ | | | ______________________|____________________________ | | |_______________________________| | | ____________________________ | | |______________________|____________________________
[28630] "Historic Homes ...," Wo;;oa, Rocjard Cutter, Ed. (NY: Lewis Hist. Pub. Co, 1908), Vol. 4, p. 1761 states Joseph is son of Joseph of Buckfield, ME and that he m. Miriam Marshall (b. inb April 1798), daughter of David and Lucy (Mason) Marshall - the Marshall family is also detailed (pp. 1761-62).
[53411] James is said to be son of thomas Jewell (1707-1772) & Judith Lancaster (1704-1751; m. 19 February 1731 in Salisbury, Essex Co., MA).
_Henry KINNEY _________+ | (1623 - 1710) m 1649 _Thomas KINNEY ______|_Ann PUTNAM ___________ | (1656 - 1687) m 1677 (1629 - 1680) _Daniel KINNEY __________________________| | (1682 - 1744) m 1705 | | | _______________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth KNIGHT ___|_______________________ | (1658 - 1694) m 1677 _Daniel (II) KENNEY __| | (1705 - ....) m 1727 | | | _______________________ | | | | | _____________________|_______________________ | | | | |_Mary RICHARDS __________________________| | (1684 - 1766) m 1705 | | | _______________________ | | | | |_____________________|_______________________ | _Israel KENNEY ______| | (1739 - 1791) m 1763| | | _______________________ | | | | | _William STOCKWELL __|_______________________ | | | (1650 - 1727) m 1685 | | _William STOCKWELL ______________________| | | | (1686 - 1747) m 1706 | | | | | _______________________ | | | | | | | | |_Sarah LAMBERT ______|_______________________ | | | (1661 - 1738) m 1685 | |_Elizabeth STOCKWELL _| | (1706 - 1767) m 1727 | | | _______________________ | | | | | _William SHAW _______|_______________________ | | | (.... - 1726) | |_Elizabeth SHAW _________________________| | (1681 - 1747) m 1706 | | | _______________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth FRAYLE ___|_______________________ | (1641 - 1692) | |--Stephen KENNEY | (1771 - 1837) | _John HOOD ____________ | | | _Richard HOOD _______|_Elizabeth BEARD ______ | | (.... - 1695) m 1653 (1602 - ....) | _Nathaniel HOOD _________________________| | | (1669 - 1748) m 1706 | | | | _Anthony NEWHALL ______ | | | | (1605 - 1657) | | |_Mary NEWHALL _______|_______________________ | | (.... - 1727) m 1653 | _Nathaniel HOOD ______| | | (.... - 1755) m 1735 | | | | _______________________ | | | | | | | _Michael DWINNELL ___|_______________________ | | | | (1640 - 1717) | | |_Joanna DWINNELL ________________________| | | (1688 - 1732) m 1706 | | | | _______________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_______________________ | | |_Susannah HOOD ______| (1745 - ....) m 1763| | _Robert POTTER ________ | | (1610 - 1655) | _Anthony POTTER _____|_Isabella ANTHONY _____ | | (1627 - 1690) m 1652 | _Samuel POTTER __________________________| | | (1656 - 1714) m 1705 | | | | _Deacon Gregory STONE _+ | | | | (1592 - 1672) | | |_Elizabeth STONE ____|_Lydia Fiske COOPER ___ | | (1629 - 1713) m 1652 (1595 - 1674) |_Abigail POTTER ______| (1713 - ....) m 1735 | | _______________________ | | | _____________________|_______________________ | | |_Sarah, perhaps widow of Robert BURNETT _| m 1705 | | _______________________ | | |_____________________|_______________________
[19623] Stephen m. 18 Sept 1791 Merab Ives, daughter of Capt. David Ives who came from Connecticut and had seen active service at sea during the War for Independence. Merba was b. in 1776 and d. at Greenfield, NB 23 May 1843. For their children and descendants, see Chapter II of "Israel Kenny..." (1944),
_________________________ | _____________________|_________________________ | _______________________| | | | | _________________________ | | | | |_____________________|_________________________ | ________________________| | | | | _________________________ | | | | | _____________________|_________________________ | | | | |_______________________| | | | | _________________________ | | | | |_____________________|_________________________ | _William J. KIMBALL ___| | (1783 - 1850) | | | _________________________ | | | | | _____________________|_________________________ | | | | | _______________________| | | | | | | | | _________________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|_________________________ | | | | |________________________| | | | | _________________________ | | | | | _____________________|_________________________ | | | | |_______________________| | | | | _________________________ | | | | |_____________________|_________________________ | | |--Ruth KIMBALL | (1810 - 1840) | _James STEWART __________+ | | (1664 - 1750) | _Solomon STEWART ____|_Elizabeth CASH _________ | | (1698 - 1758) m 1727 (1668 - 1732) | _Solomon (II) STEWART _| | | (1730 - 1802) m 1755 | | | | _Edward FARRINGTON ______+ | | | | (1662 - 1749) | | |_Martha FARRINGTON __|_Martha BROWNE __________ | | (1702 - 1777) m 1727 | _Solomon (III) STEWART _| | | (1763 - 1844) m 1785 | | | | _________________________ | | | | | | | _____________________|_________________________ | | | | | | |_Elizabeth TAYLOR _____| | | (1730 - 1780) m 1755 | | | | _________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_________________________ | | |_Mary (Polly) STEWART _| (1790 - 1838) | | _Jonathan Flagg BIGELOW _+ | | (1679 - 1745) m 1702 | _James BIGELOW ______|_Elizabeth BEMIS ________ | | (1722 - ....) (.... - 1734) | _James BIGELOW ________| | | (1742 - 1829) m 1762 | | | | _________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_________________________ | | |_Betsey BIGELOW ________| (1764 - 1846) m 1785 | | _________________________ | | | _____________________|_________________________ | | |_Mary SAWYER __________| (1740 - 1817) m 1762 | | _________________________ | | |_____________________|_________________________
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | ______________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | __________________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |______________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Harold Winfield LORD ______| | (1888 - 1956) m 1912 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | ______________________________| | | | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | | |__________________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |______________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Harold Winfield (Jr) LORD | (1922 - 1992) | _Ebenezer JORDAN ____+ | | (1742 - 1826) m 1765 | _Ebenezer JORDAN ____|_Lucy TARBOX ________ | | (1771 - 1848) (1748 - 1788) | _Daniel Smith JORDAN _________| | | (1816 - 1889) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Phebe H. SMITH _____|_____________________ | | (1774 - 1858) | _Urban Stetson JORDAN ____________| | | (1860 - 1929) m 1883 | | | | _Robert MILLIKEN ____+ | | | | (1743 - ....) | | | _Robert MILLIKEN ____|_Jane HOPKINS _______ | | | | (1781 - 1864) m 1806 | | |_Margaret ("Peggy") MILLIKEN _| | | (1819 - 1899) | | | | _Joseph S. MOORE ____+ | | | | (1751 - 1842) m 1773 | | |_Hannah MOORE _______|_Olive GILPATRICK ___ | | (1772 - 1866) m 1806 (1754 - 1800) |_Beatrice Kenniston JORDAN _| (1887 - 1971) m 1912 | | _____________________ | | | _James KENNISTON ____|_____________________ | | (1783 - 1869) m 1828 | _Joseph Ames KENNISTON _______| | | (1830 - 1904) m 1854 | | | | _Joseph AMES ________+ | | | | | | |_Mary T. AMES _______|_Abigail MOORE ______ | | (1808 - 1868) m 1828 |_Leonore F. ("Linnie") KENNISTON _| (1861 - 1943) m 1883 | | _Asael FOSTER _______+ | | (1774 - 1851) | _George F. FOSTER ___|_Lucy BRACKETT ______ | | (1805 - 1853) m 1831 (1774 - 1819) |_Susan H. FOSTER _____________| (1836 - 1909) m 1854 | | _David STANWOOD _____+ | | (1772 - 1818) m 1792 |_Eunice R. STANWOOD _|_Eunice WASGATT _____ (1807 - ....) m 1831 (1777 - ....)
[56794] The unverified file LL9V-QW9 in offers: "When Sophronia Parent was born on 6 July 1853, in Bear Island, Queensbury, York, New Brunswick, Canada, her father, John E. Parent, was 24 and her mother, Frances Hall, was 17. She married Arthur P. Hanson about 1880, in Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada. They were the parents of at least 2 sons. She lived in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States in 1900 and Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada in 1901. She died on 26 December 1925, in Woodstock, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada, at the age of 72, and was buried in Woodstock, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada."
________________________ | _____________________|________________________ | _Putnam Farnham TENNEY ___| | (1821 - ....) m 1854 | | | ________________________ | | | | |_____________________|________________________ | _Frank P. TENNEY ____| | (1866 - ....) | | | ________________________ | | | | | _William TAYLOR _____|________________________ | | | (1804 - 1875) m 1828 | |_Angeline Augusta TAYLOR _| | (1831 - 1908) m 1854 | | | _Moses (Jr) CROSS ______+ | | | (1778 - 1847) m 1803 | |_Drusilla CROSS _____|_Sarah ("Sally") SANDS _ | (1807 - 1893) m 1828 (1783 - 1841) _Carl Bither TENNEY ___| | (1896 - 1958) m 1920 | | | ________________________ | | | | | _____________________|________________________ | | | | | __________________________| | | | | | | | | ________________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|________________________ | | | | |_Eva BITHER _________| | (1869 - ....) | | | ________________________ | | | | | _____________________|________________________ | | | | |__________________________| | | | | ________________________ | | | | |_____________________|________________________ | | |--Eleanor Alice TENNEY | (1921 - 1986) | ________________________ | | | _____________________|________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | | ________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ________________________ | | | | | | | _____________________|________________________ | | | | | | |__________________________| | | | | | | ________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|________________________ | | |_Velma May WILLIAMSON _| (1901 - 1987) m 1920 | | ________________________ | | | _____________________|________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | | ________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|________________________ | | |_____________________| | | ________________________ | | | _____________________|________________________ | | |__________________________| | | ________________________ | | |_____________________|________________________