__ | __|__ | _Richard CONANT _____| | (1548 - 1630) m 1578| | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Roger CONANT _______| | (1592 - 1679) m 1618| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |_Agnes CLARKE _______| | (1548 - 1630) m 1578| | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Lot CONANT _________| | (.... - 1674) m 1649| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | | _____________________| | | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | |__|__ | | | | |_Sarah HORTON _______| | (1600 - ....) m 1618| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Nathaniel CONANT | (1650 - 1732) | __ | | | __|__ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | __|__ | | | | | | |_____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Elizabeth WALTON ___| (.... - 1674) m 1649| | __ | | | __|__ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__|__
[28045] An file in www.trees.ancestry.com offers: Nathaniel Conant, born 28 Jul 1650, in Beverly; married Hannah, dr. of Andrew and Bithiah Mansfield and g. dr. of Robert and Elizabeth Mansfield. By the will of his father he was lef 50 pounds and the shop in which he worked, together with the tools in it. He was a cordwainer or shoemaker. He appears to have moved to Bridgewater, Plymouth county, as early as 1687, for on 18 Apr 1688, Philip White, of Beverly, sold to Sir William Phipps, of boston, 'all his messuage or tenement, yards, orchard, upland and swampy ground thereto belonging, containing six acres, in Beverly, which I lately purchased of Nathaniel Conant, cordwainer, of Benj. Balch, together with shops, houses,' etc. (Essex Deeds, Vol. 8 p. 177.) The first mention of him in Bridgewater records is on the 2nd Monday of May, 1688, when 'Goodman' Conant was to see to the repairs of the road leading from South brook to Comfort Willis', (Mitchell's Hist. of bridgewater, p. 66.) In 1691-1692 (7 Jan.), Nathaniel Conant, of Bridgewater, sells his brother, John Conant, of Beverly, 'ten acres of land in west Beverly lying towards Wenham near the great marsh, bounded west and south on William Dodges lying by Brimble hill, easterly on land of Jo. Woodbury, northerly on land of my two brothers, John and Roger Conant, and two and one half acres near Wenham bounded by the Woodberrys east, Freeborn Balch on the west, north by Samuel Balch and south by John Conant.' Witnessed by Benjamin Balch and Samuel Conant. (Essex Deeds, Vol 21, p. 226.) arch 14, 11698, he was one of the Jury of Trials. Dec. t, 1694, and March 8, 1698, he was one of the Grand Jury. In 1703 a way was laid out beginning at Jonathan Washburn's, running 'by the west end of old Goodman Conant's house.' On March 7, 1708, he wells William Orcuitt 25 acres of land for 14 pounds. (Plymouth Deeds, 2nd series, Vol. 15, p. 56.) In 1711 (26 March) in consideration of his parental affection, etc., he conveys fifty-three acres of land in Bridgewater to his son, Nathaniel. (Plymouth Deeds, Vol. 11, p. 12, 2nd series.) In 1712 (3 July) he conveys 50 acres to his youngest son, Lot; this was the homestead and was situated in what was afterwards the South Parish. In 1715 he was one of the petitioners for a second parish; this was incorporated 1716, and was called the South Parish. On May 20, 1720, he sold Francis Woods 3/4 acre of land for 20 pounds. He died 1732 and left a will." See "A History and Genealogy of the Conant Family in England and America," Frederick Odell Conant (Portland, ME: privately printed: 1887), pp. 143-144.
[47415] Charles registered for the draft 12 September 1918 stating he was a tool lathe operator for M. & S. Gear Co., Detroit, MI. His marriage record states he r. Dixon, IL and is a factory foreman and son of Fred Danckmeyer and Minnie Stevens.
[11755] http://www.thepeerage.com/p10685.htm offers: "Rose de Douvres was the daughter of Foubert de Douvres and Isabel de Briwere. She was born before 1213. She married Richard Fitzroy, Baron of Chilham, son of John I 'Lackland', King of England and Suzanne de Warenne. She died from 1264 to 1265. She was also known as Rose of Dover." - citing Peter W. Hammond, editor, "The Complete Peerage or a History of the House of Lords and All its Members From the Earliest Times, Volume XIV: Addenda & Corrigenda" (Stroud, Gloucestershire, U.K.: Sutton Publishing, 1998), page 87.
_Sir Thomas FORSTER _____________+ | (.... - 1589) _Cuthbert FORSTER ____________|_Feorina (or Florence) WHARTON __ | _Thomas FORSTER __________| | m 1580 | | | _Thomas BRADFORD ________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth BRADFORD __________|_________________________________ | _Reginald (Forster) FOSTER _| | (1594 - 1680) m 1619 | | | _Thomas CARR ____________________+ | | | (.... - 1558) | | _William (Esq.) Carr of FORD _|_Elizabeth, Heiress of FORD _____ | | | (1551 - 1589) (1533 - 1554) | |_Elizabeth ("Jane") CARR _| | (1570 - 1594) m 1580 | | | _Henry (of Newcastle) BRANDLING _+ | | | (1515 - ....) | |_Ursula BRANDLING ____________|_Ursula BUCKTON _________________ | (1526 - ....) _Jacob FOSTER _______| | (1636 - 1710) m 1667| | | _________________________________ | | | | | ______________________________|_________________________________ | | | | | _Alexander WIGNALL _______| | | | | | | | | _________________________________ | | | | | | | | |______________________________|_________________________________ | | | | |_Judith WIGNOL _____________| | (1597 - 1664) m 1619 | | | _________________________________ | | | | | ______________________________|_________________________________ | | | | |__________________________| | | | | _________________________________ | | | | |______________________________|_________________________________ | | |--Jacob FOSTER | (1680 - 1758) | _________________________________ | | | ______________________________|_________________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | | _________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________________|_________________________________ | | | ____________________________| | | | | | | _________________________________ | | | | | | | ______________________________|_________________________________ | | | | | | |__________________________| | | | | | | _________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________________|_________________________________ | | |_Abigail LORD _______| (1637 - 1729) m 1667| | _________________________________ | | | ______________________________|_________________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | | _________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________________|_________________________________ | | |____________________________| | | _________________________________ | | | ______________________________|_________________________________ | | |__________________________| | | _________________________________ | | |______________________________|_________________________________
[36805] Jacob also m. Martha Graves.
___________________________ | _____________________|___________________________ | __________________________| | | | | ___________________________ | | | | |_____________________|___________________________ | ________________________| | | | | ___________________________ | | | | | _____________________|___________________________ | | | | |__________________________| | | | | ___________________________ | | | | |_____________________|___________________________ | _Harry Linwood GILLIS _| | (1887 - 1957) m 1921 | | | ___________________________ | | | | | _____________________|___________________________ | | | | | __________________________| | | | | | | | | ___________________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|___________________________ | | | | |________________________| | | | | ___________________________ | | | | | _____________________|___________________________ | | | | |__________________________| | | | | ___________________________ | | | | |_____________________|___________________________ | | |--Janice GILLIS | (1926 - 2014) | _Nathaniel LEACH __________+ | | (1771 - 1844) m 1792 | _Samuel LEACH _______|_Deborah HUTCHINS _________ | | (1795 - 1872) m 1817 (1776 - 1865) | _William LEACH ___________| | | (1822 - 1902) m 1855 | | | | ___________________________ | | | | | | |_Anna INGALLS _______|___________________________ | | (1798 - 1851) m 1817 | _Herrick Staples LEACH _| | | (1872 - 1960) m 1896 | | | | ___________________________ | | | | | | | _____________________|___________________________ | | | | | | |_Berentha WOOD ___________| | | (1837 - 1921) m 1855 | | | | ___________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|___________________________ | | |_Nellie E. LEACH ______| (1899 - 1974) m 1921 | | _Eliphalet Lowell GRINDLE _+ | | (1769 - 1843) m 1789 | _John West GRINDLE __|_Nancy Anne GRAY __________ | | (1804 - ....) m 1824 (1773 - 1823) | _Stephen Elerson GRINDLE _| | | (1836 - 1913) m 1859 | | | | _Alexander MCCASLIN _______+ | | | | (1763 - 1853) m 1788 | | |_Sarah MCCASLIN _____|_Abigail GRAY _____________ | | (1805 - ....) m 1824 (1768 - ....) |_Margaret B. GRINDLE ___| (1876 - 1962) m 1896 | | _James E. CUNNINGHAM ______ | | (1786 - 1868) m 1807 | _Johnson CUNNINGHAM _|_Sarah KNOWLES ____________ | | (1808 - 1855) m 1825 (1789 - 1838) |_Sarah Hanna CUNNINGHAM __| (1839 - 1911) m 1859 | | _Shedrack Watson BLACK ____+ | | (1777 - 1855) m 1800 |_Mary BLACK _________|_Phebe GRAY _______________ (1803 - 1878) m 1825 (1776 - 1838)
[51253] "The Ellsworth American [Ellsworth, Maine}, 19 August 2014": "Blue Hill - Janice (Gillis) Cleveland, passed away Aug. 16, 2014, in Blue Hill. She was born Jan. 20, 1926, to Harry Gillis and Nellie (Leach) Gillis in Blue Hill. Janice grew up in Blue Hill and graduated from George Stevens Academy in 1943 as the salutatorian. Janice graduated from Gorham State Teachers College in 1947 and taught in Portland for one year before moving to Beverly, Mass., where she taught for 11 years. While teaching in Beverly, she met her husband, John Cleveland. They married and moved to Ipswich, Mass., in 1959. She was a stay-at-home mother to her four daughters, as well as to several other children in the neighborhood. She enjoyed fishing and sailing with friends and was an enthusiastic sports fan and attended many Red Sox games and her favorite Celtics. Janice and John retired to Blue Hill in 1991, living in Janices family home. She became involved in the Blue Hill Historical Society and the Jonathan Fisher Society. She was a regular volunteer at the Blue Hill Memorial Hospital for many years, working in several departments. She was also active in the George Stevens Academy Alumni and enjoyed many alumni events and basketball games. Janice was well known for her patience and positive attitude. Janice leaves her daughters, Ann Cleveland and husband, Alan Verde, of Orland, Jane Cleveland of Kingston, N.H., Susan Cleveland Driller and her husband, Dusty Driller, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Ellen Cleveland of Blue Hill; her grandsons, Derek and Cameron Driller; stepson, William Cleveland; niece, Belinda Carter of Gray; nephews, David Carter of Sedgwick and Dwayne Carter of Orland, as well as several lifelong friends. She was predeceased by her husband, John; sister, Marilyn; and stepson, Jay."
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _Jonathan Lovett HASKELL ___| | m 1788 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Jonathan HASKELL ___| | (1782 - 1825) m 1805| | | _____________________ | | | | | _David SANDERS ______|_____________________ | | | (1716 - 1777) m 1743 | |_Mary SANDERS ______________| | (1765 - 1850) m 1788 | | | _Ebenezer SNOW ______+ | | | (1691 - 1738) m 1714 | |_Abigail SNOW _______|_Mary PUDNEY ________ | (1728 - 1813) m 1743 (1687 - ....) _Nelson Decatur HASKELL _| | (1821 - 1882) m 1844 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | _Peter Francis HARDY _______| | | | (1744 - 1831) m 1766 | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Abigail HARDY ______| | (1783 - 1868) m 1805| | | _Mark HASKELL _______+ | | | (1695 - 1775) m 1720 | | _Francis HASKELL ____|_Jemima TILTON ______ | | | (1722 - 1791) (1699 - 1761) | |_Elizabeth Wheeler HASKELL _| | (1748 - 1831) m 1766 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth WHEELER __|_____________________ | (1729 - 1804) | |--Elethea HASKELL | (1849 - 1891) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | ____________________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | | |____________________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Eleanor Stevens WEED ___| (1815 - 1882) m 1844 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | ____________________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |____________________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[53351] Also seen as "Althea".
_Stephen HOPKINS _______________+ | (.... - 1644) _Giles HOPKINS ___________|_Mary, wife of Stephen HOPKINS _ | (1607 - 1688) m 1639 _Steven HOPKINS _____| | (1642 - 1718) | | | ________________________________ | | | | |_Katherine W(H)ELDON _____|________________________________ | m 1639 _Samuel HOPKINS _____| | (1682 - 1747) m 1702| | | ________________________________ | | | | | __________________________|________________________________ | | | | |_Mary MERRICK _______| | (1650 - 1692) | | | ________________________________ | | | | |__________________________|________________________________ | _Moses HOPKINS ______| | (1721 - ....) m 1740| | | ________________________________ | | | | | __________________________|________________________________ | | | | | _Richard RICH _______| | | | m 1671 | | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | | | |__________________________|________________________________ | | | | |_Lydia RICH _________| | (1688 - ....) m 1702| | | ________________________________ | | | | | _Governor Thomas ROBERTS _|________________________________ | | | (1600 - 1674) m 1627 | |_Sarah ROBERTS ______| | (1643 - ....) m 1671| | | ________________________________ | | | | |_Rebecca HILTON __________|________________________________ | (1602 - 1673) m 1627 | |--Mary HOPKINS | (1755 - ....) | ________________________________ | | | __________________________|________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | |__________________________|________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | | __________________________|________________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________| | | | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | |__________________________|________________________________ | | |_Hannah BERRY _______| (.... - 1908) m 1740| | ________________________________ | | | __________________________|________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | |__________________________|________________________________ | | |_____________________| | | ________________________________ | | | __________________________|________________________________ | | |_____________________| | | ________________________________ | | |__________________________|________________________________
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Johannes KEHL ______| | (1750 - 1828) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | | __| | | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | |__|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Johannes KELL | (1781 - 1845) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | __|__ | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Catharine KULP _____| (1750 - 1822) | | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |__| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
[29167] Christina Staub states that Johannes m. Elizabeth Sontag (b. 1 Feb 1796, d. 28 Jan 1863), and had Abraham Kell (b. 20 Dec 1813, d. 26 Dec 1863, buried in Mt. Zion Church cemetery, Spring Twp., Perry Co., PA, m. Elizabeth (Thommen) Dum (b. 11 Sept 1821, d. 5 Sept 1811, buried with Abraham.
__ | _____________________|__ | _____________________| | | | | __ | | | | |_____________________|__ | _George MCCASKEY ____| | (1797 - 1867) m 1825| | | __ | | | | | _____________________|__ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | __ | | | | |_____________________|__ | _Thomas J. MCCASKEY _| | (1832 - ....) | | | __ | | | | | _John JEWELL ________|__ | | | (1745 - 1829) | | _William JEWELL _____| | | | (1770 - 1819) m 1795| | | | | __ | | | | | | | | |_Katherine BOEHNETT _|__ | | | (1748 - 1832) | |_Lydia JEWELL _______| | (1805 - 1886) m 1825| | | __ | | | | | _John JONES _________|__ | | | | |_Nancy JONES ________| | (1778 - 1858) m 1795| | | __ | | | | |_Lydia WHITTON ______|__ | | |--Thomas J. MCCASKEY | (1870 - ....) | __ | | | _____________________|__ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |_____________________|__ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | _____________________|__ | | | | | | |_____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |_____________________|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | | _____________________|__ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |_____________________|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | | _____________________|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |_____________________|__
_William MINER ______+ | _Lodowick MINER _____|_____________________ | _Thomas MINER _______| | (1530 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Anna DYER __________|_____________________ | _William MINER ______| | | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Bridget HERVIE _____| | (1532 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Clement MINER ______| | (1585 - 1640) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | _____________________| | | | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Isabella HARCOPE ___| | (1555 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Thomas MINER | (1608 - 1690) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | | _John POPE __________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Sarah POPE _________| | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________